
Book Reviews Full Metal Apache

Takayuki Tatsumi, Full Metal Apache: Transactions Between Cyberpunk Japan and Avant-Pop America 
Duke UP, 2006

今回は、2006年にデューク大学出版局から刊行された、巽先生の英語圏でのデビュー作 Full Metal Apache を取り上げます。スタンリー・フィッシュ&フレドリック・ジェイムソン編集の "Post-contemporary Interventions" シリーズの一つとして発表され、2010年には、国際幻想芸術学会学術部門賞を受賞(CPAでの詳細記事はこちら)。国内外を問わず絶賛された日米間比較文化論!なお、ページ末尾の>【特別掲載】では、巽先生本人による本書紹介文、ラリイ・マキャフリイ先生とスーザン・ネイピア先生による推薦文をお読みいただけます。こちらもお見逃しなく!

 『Full Metal Apache』は、日本のサイバーパンクとアメリカの前衛ポップの邂逅に関する書だ。西洋における日本研究所の大半は、江戸時代あたりで時間が止まっていて、日本のポップカルチャーがあたかもサムライ魂や神道の古代書物を下敷きにして産まれたかのように伝えがちである。本書は、そうした誤報に対して視界を開く手助けをしてくれる。



栩木玲子 『學鐙』12/05/2006


The enunciative gesture of projecting Japan into the future merits critical attention and scholarly consideration in relation to the project of critical Orientalism put forth in Full Metal Apache. This enunciative futurity is not merely temporal or racial overcompensation or frank disavowal of the temporal unevenness of the Japanese present. Rather, it highlights a situation in which formations of modernity, especially the strategies of racial and temporal othering implicit in Orientalist typing, have become so irrevocably a part of our contemporary condition that "I" cannot be withdrawn from it, temporally or spatially. 'I' is a twist of the type.
Thomas LaMarre, Journal of American Studies

Scholars of speculative fiction, cultural studies and the postmodern should find Full Metal Apache a rich source of information on the contemporary trans-Pacific literary scene. Tatsumi introduces a wide array of lesser-known Japanese artists and provides context for discussing them in a comparative manner. Also, in the wake of numerous studies of orientalism, it is refreshing to have a volume that balances a consideration of West-gazing-East with an equally intense scrutiny of East-gazinf-West.
Charlotte Eubanks, Comparative Literature Studies

There is no doubting Tatsumi's intimacy with his subject matter as he juggles the orient, the occident, creative masochism, avant-pop, cyberpunk, and Mikadophilia. His ability to keep all these ideas and texts in motion and interacting with one another is impressive and helps illuminate a Japanese cultural marketplace that deserves greater exposure to Western scholars.
Graham Murphy, Science Fiction Studies

. . . Full Metal Apache is recommended for science fiction readers who're willing to look at our genre from a different angle.
Joe Sanders, The New York Review of Science Fiction

The book's strength lies in its dynamic analysis of cultural transactions between Japan and the US, especially the paradigm shifts in the 1980s that triggered Japonism in American culture. The book's reference to texts, films, TV programmes and cultural phenomena is genuinely impressive. . . . This book is a novelty in its eclectic approach across disciplinary borders.
Kumiko Sato, Pacific Affairs

Turning to literary and cultural criticism from Japan, it is enjoyable to read Takayuki Tatsumi's thoughtful, quirky, often breezy work, gleaming under the reading lamp, whirring and clanking with a motorized hum. Samurai sword and sexy robot. Metallic, man, metallic.
Michael R. Moser, Leonardo

[Tatsumi] succeeds in describing the speed and multilayered complexity of trans-Pacific cultural exchanges that happen in science fiction, with a near-synchronicity of story content and theme across varied works.
Amelia Beamer, Locus

The arguments Tatsumi makes are potent and sharp, and his conclusions come across less as capstones to one critic's opinions, but more like a geologist's take on natural processes, something elemental yet hidden, requiring the most careful observation and tweezing of evidence to prove something so undeniably true. These essays are moonlights to look towards as we plumb the turbulent depths of cultural exhange.
Ryan Smith, American Book Review

Tatsumi is a never-less-than-intelligent reader, and a writer who conveys his enthusiasms and the ideas they spark in him with nervy brilliance.
Roz Kaveney, Times Literary Supplement

Something like a cultural Godzilla himself, Tatsumi upends deeply embedded stereotypes of orientalism and occidentalism, smashing conventional notions of Western originality and Japanese imitation. . . . [R]efreshingly irreverent, even fun. . . . Full Metal Apache never fails to frame Japan and its ‘infectious negotiations' with the West in unexpected and startling ways.
Brad Quinn, Daily Yomiuri

[A]s an overview this book makes absorbing reading, and is for much of the time obsessively fascinating. Critical theory's jargon is thankfully absent, and the book can be recommended to all except those seeking the very strongest stimulants in the way of cross-cultural intellectual analysis. The innermost organs of pink Godzillas and postfeminist cyborgs may remain, in the last analysis, unprobed. But even so, Full Metal Apache is a rich and nourishing soup with almost everything in there, nuts and bolts included. There's almost no one whose cultural diet can't in some way be broadened, you can't help thinking.
Bradley Winterton, Taipei Times

Throughout Full Metal Apache, the framework built by two convincing ideas, creative masochism and new exoticism, is solid enough to satisfy theory-oriented readers. Yet Tatsumi's greatest virtue lies in the flexible readings of individual works within the framework. In a refreshing perspective he not only reevaluates famous writers but also introduces little-known contemporary artists, extracting their merits as much as possible.
Takemoto Noriaki, Studies in English Literature


