
慶應義塾アメリカ学会誌 Journal of Keio American Studies 創刊です!

慶應義塾アメリカ学会誌 Journal of Keio American Studies が創刊されました!

JKAS 創刊号は「トランスナショナル・アメリカンスタディーズの到来」特集です。慶應義塾アメリカ学会設立宣言 "The KASA Manifesto" とともに、2019年12月6日に行われた国際シンポジウム "Trans-Pacific, Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Chronological" のすべての基調講演およびパネルが収録されています。


Journal of Keio American Studies
Volume 0 * 2020 Inaugural Issue
Special Topic: The Advent of Transnational American Studies

【Table of Contents】 
The KASA Manifesto
Keio University’s American Studies Association: Its Origins and History
Opening Remarks
Takayuki Tatsumi, "Transnational American Studies: or, Trans-Atlantic, Trans-Pacific, Trans-Chronological"

Keynote Addresses
  • Mark Seltzar, "Transit Zones: The Novel in the Epoch of Social Systems"
  • Nina Morgan, "Editing Transnational American Studies"
  • Alfred Hornung, "Living Transnational American Studies"

Panel I: Transfiguring Literary History
  • Shogo Tanokuchi, "The Curious Gaze on Asian Junks: Herman Melville’s Art of Exhibition"
  • Yumiko Koizumi, "Gothic Concerto: Reading Lemuel Hopkins’s “Guillotina” (1796-99)"
  • Kaori Hosono, "Staging Selves, Freeing Freaks: Michael Jackson’s Greatest Show on Earth"
  • Shunsuke Shiga, "Living in a Nowhere Land: The Beatles as a Cultural Vehicle in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Namesake"

Panel II:Trans-Atlantic Imaginings
  • Hisayo Ogushi, "Double Vision: Royall Tyler’s The Algerine Captive and the Frontier Imagination"
  • Keiko Nitta, "A Voyage Across the Multicultural Atlantic: Edith Wharton’s Double Consciousness"
  • Greg Bevan, "No Comment: Depictions of the Transnational in Paul Bowles’ Points in Time"
  • Thae-Ho Jo, "Imagining the Racial-Religious Other: The Representation of Saracens in Middle English Romances"

Panel III: The Trans-Pacific Turn
  • Yoshiko Uzawa, "Yone Noguchi’s Style of Literary Adaptation in Gentō-romansu (1929)"
  • Hiromi Ochi, "Translations of American Cultural Politics into the Context of Post-War Japan"
  • Mary A. Knighton, "from unincorporated territory ~ to Craig Santos Perez’s Poemaps"
