


2020年度( 12名)
相澤真琴 Scott Fitzgerald as a Crypto-British Romancer: The Key to Activating the Reader’s Experience

飯島由梨亜 The Significance of Casablanca: A Trans-Atlantic Reading

河合真香 Evolution of Hollywood’s Creation: White Savior Film

國松絵梨 The Personal in Perspective: An Intertextual Reading of Sylvia Plath in the New Era of Identity

是枝啓介 Distorting the Discursive Space of Postwar Japan

佐藤優果 The Role of Comic Mode in Flannery O’Connor’s Short Stories: Violence, Inviolability and Self-Projection

高橋優生 Redefining Abraham Lincoln as a Literatus: On His Poetry, Declaration and Speech

中森葵 Displacing the Passing Narrative: A Note on George Schuyler's Black No More

西山祥 The Immortality of the Original Author in Adaptation: From Nathaniel Hawthorne to Steven Spielberg

橋本梨代 Escape from Reality: From Adventures of Huckleberry Finn to No.44, The Mysterious Stranger

林世遥 The Post-Feminist World of “The Paper Menagerie”: Williams, Liu and Haraway

山野菜多里 Can We Fully Understand Another Person? Haruki Murakami's Americanism and his Journey of Self-therapy

2019年度( 13名)
大出啓友 Towards the Transnational American Dreams: A Comparative Study of Pygmalion and My Fair Lady

北島巽皓 Surviving the Spanish Civil War: On Ernest Hemingway’s For Whom the Bell Tolls

佐藤しおり Why Are We Crazy about PSYCHO? : Interactions between Hitchcock and Psychoanalysts

東海林真衣 Myth of Woman in William Faulkner’s Novels

立原朱音 Sarah Josepha Hale’s Feminism in Northwood; or Life North and South

建石香乃子 Messages from Stephen King and Stanley Kubrick: The Shining and Doctor Sleep in the Context of American Gothic

寺戸志織 The Significance of The Sympathizer in the Context of Contemporary American Society

中村太一 Haruki Murakami’s Literary Inheritances from Modernist and Postmodernist Writers: Before and After Kurt Vonnegut

中原美景 To Be a Yankee: Mixed Identity of Jewish Immigrants in Yekl

野村かすみ How Can We Know the Catcher from the Catch?: J.D.Salinger’s Figuration of American Hero

橋本一葉 Is She Really a Lesbian Writer?: A Reading of Willa Cather’s Works

深谷由芽子 The Heritage of Drowning Literature: A Note on Kate Chopin’s The Awakening

前田菜緒 The Theme of Survival in Gone with the Wind

2018年度( 10名)
安部七海 Awakening from Hibernation: Invisible Man as a Guidance for Black Leaders

岩本遼 Plurality of the World: American Tradition Revealed in Flow My Tears, The Policeman Said

奥平けいと Unreliable Narrator’s in Ambrose Bierce’s World

越智悠花 In the Wake of Sister Carrie: Transitional Times of Women

黒坂麻里子 American Japonists in Literature: Fenollosa, Long and Irwin

南斉由衣 Pearl Buck as A Missionary of Civilization: the Lost Cause, Misogyny, and Natural Democracy

野中理恵 Catherine as the Prophet of the Future of Femininity: Interpreting Rubicon Beach in View of Art History

羽田慶仁 Hip Hop Music as American Literature

早川昂宏 Encounters with the Inner Other: Identity Crisis in the Fictions of Paul Auster and Kōbō Abe

星野桃子 Negotiations between Mary McCarthy and Hannah Arendt

2017年度( 9名)
足立英里華 Seussism in the History of Art and Literature

井手雅 Unrequited Orientalism: The Evanescence of Swedenborgianism in the Beat Generation

遠藤容 William Faulkner's Representation of Christianity: A Note on Light in August

曽谷紗妃 The Messages Jack Kerouac Implies in On the Road

高橋杏璃 Jhumpa Lahiri's Experimental Journey: Reading The Lowland in the Age of Division

常盤井あさひ Thomas Pynchon's Counter-Entropic View: To Overcome the Dichotomous Doom

中濱享子 Escaping the Dangerous Mass: Individuality Celebrated in Steinbeck's Works

安原瑛治 The Marginal Narrative: A Comparative Study of Absalom, Absalom! And One Hundred Years of Solitude

尹アルム The Korean Version of American Dream: Reading Chang-rae Lee with Suki Kim

2016年度( 12名)
池谷有紗 The Pride of N-E-G-U-S: Between Kendrick Lamar and Kunta Kinte

三枝礼奈 Escape from The Bell Jar: The Ideal Way of Life for Sylvia Plath

佐藤水梨 Kubrick’s Space of Insanity: The Terror of the Human Nature in The Shining 

高畑美香 Mariln Monroe: A Woman Leading a Life of Love and Dream

張申秋 The Master of Artistic Collage: Nathanael West and 1930s America

中島陽香 Capote’ Way of Life: What Holly Golightly Represents in Breakfast at Tiffany’s

瓶子佳麒 Identity Politics of Chinese American Literature: Chin, Kingston and Tan

三浦正信 A Cultural Study of Spider-Men: My Revenge Narrative

溝口萌 Is Scarlett O’Hara the Southern Belle?

柳田胡梨寿 In the Age of “Celebrity Victimization”: From the Lindberghs to Donald Trump

湯田桂一朗 Through the Anywhere Door: A Comparative Study of Benjamin Franklin, Frank Capra and Fujiko F. Fujio

2015年度( 11名)
大木克之 Transcending Language: The Way of Subverting Anthropomorphism in the Works of Loren Eiseley

奥田直鑑 Ralph Ellison and His Oklahoma Connection: A Cultural Reading of Invisible Man
栢沼史奈 From Dadaism to POPism: The Cultural Impacts of Andy Warhol on High Art / Low Art
小林万里子 The Pluralistic Eye of Henry James

信濃東河 Bartleby at Ground Zero: Melville’s Disaster Narrative of “Wall-Street”

崔延朱 At the Heart of The Great Gatsby: The Interplay of Sexuality and Emotions
前田宏太郎 Holden is a Warrior: Shouting Phony in Everyday War

松原廣幸 Authority in A Farewell to Arms: The Bridge between Hemingway’s Biography and His Work

水野愛子 Between Naturalism and Transcendentalism: Dreiser’s Redefinition of American Dream in Early Twentieth Century America

安田小春 The Making of Steinbeck in Fiction: “The Chrysanthemums” and “The White Quail” as a Diptych

渡辺光稀 Resistance in Banana Laberinto: Thomas Pynchon and Latin America

2014年度( 7名)
赤井捺美 “Defying Gravity”: The Critique of Alterity in Gregory Maguire’s Wicked

小田切寛 What is the “Chaplinesque”? : Charles Chaplin as the Hero of Minority People

五ノ井舞希 The Absence of Father: Moral Sense and Gender Panic in American Psycho

駒木根愛 The Convention of Solitude: Paul Auster's Works as Family Romances

佐々木貴久 World Color: Truman Capote's Works in the Context of the Cold War

鈴木由佳利 Portrait of A Planetary Figure: Obama through Three Continents

玉川理咲 Guardians in the Dark: Typology and Heroism in The Grapes of Wrath 

2013年度( 12名)
宇野藤子 Between America and Europe: Living in The Harsh World in Mary McCarthy’s Birds of America

大嶋一晴 Baseball as a Pseudo-Event: American Consciousness in Shoeless Joe and Field of Dreams

加島聖也 The Times and Lives of Sun Ra: Afrofuturism and Possible Future of Music

加藤菜々子 In Quest for the True Identity: The Process of Self-Emancipation in Alice Walker’s Works

髙橋紗里 Descendants of Hester Prynne:Miller, Condé and Kushner

轉法輪右 Alternate Science, Alternate Fiction: Humanity in Isaac Asimov’s Series of Foundation and Robot

長野泰之 Someone inside Me: Alfred Hitchcock’s Vertigo and Alternative Vision

福村舞 Anti-Americanism in Eugene O’Neill’s Drama: Irish-American Theater of the Absurd

藤塚大輔 Lessons of Willa Cather:Rereading My Ántonia

森田和磨 Memoir of Traumatic America: Creation of Identity and Narrative of History in the Works of Richard Brautigan

山本恵美 Rediscover Japan:Multiple Perspective on Lafcadio Hearn

山家里佳 Covering Presidency: Attractive Contradictions of John F. Kennedy

2012年度( 8名)
浅野将也 The Critical Point of Thomas Jefferson: A Reading of Declaration of Independence

上田裕太郎 Figure of Alternative America: Hope and Evil in steve Erickson's 20th Century

加島聖也 The Times and Lives of Sun Ra: Afrofuturism and Possible Future of Music

栗原美貴 Cyberspace as Sanctuary: A Reading William Gibson's Neuromancer

椙浦由貴保 Devastating Insanity: An Approach to Madness in The Haunting of Hill House

坂雄史 Toward a History of War on Words: Red Purge, All the King's Men, and Robert Rossen

松本彩花 The Southern Imagination Reconsidered: Gone with the Wind in the Context of the Great Depression

若狭真紀 The Revival Annie: Double Representations of American Dream and Nightmare

2011年度( 16名)
相原裕美 Spiritual Crisis in The Pioneers: The Defeat of the Noble Savage in Templeton

江川洋平 Teller of Tales: The Film Adaptation of Ray Bradbury

大枝香澄 The Distorted Wonderland: Expensive People as a Dark Fantasy of Joyce Carol Oates

小此木拓也 Seeking to be Free: The Madness in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

計盛智美 Williams' World: His Memories and Delicate Characters

小泉由美子 Children on the Air: Celebrity, Minority, and Singularity in Salinger's Glass Chronicle

佐藤淳平 Infringing Edges of Normality, Disability, and Maternalism: In the Case of Sherwood Anderson  and Franklin Delano Roosevelt

城島由紀子 "Matrix" Pulled Over Our Eyes: Racial Conflicts and Emergence of New Leader

杉山遼 How to Americanize Fairy Tales: The Process of Self-Realization Seen in Walt Disney's Films

千葉一摩 Scattered Voices: Linguistic Multitude in the Works of Paul Auster

出口香織 "Melting Frat" America: Comedy Film and Nationality

中尾淑 Searching for Identity: Love and Sexual Desire in the Works of Jeffrey Eugenides

細野香里 No Black, No White: Michael Jackson and Racial Consciousness in American Entertainment

松本裕紀 Listening to Jazz: Toni Morrison's Reflection on History and the Role of Music

山口遼 He Took a Face from the Ancient Gallery: Narrativity in The Doors and Jim Morrison

世継彩乃 "One Play Glory" of Jonathan Larson: RENT as a Gospel

2010年度( 13名)
雨甲斐加奈子 A Trans-Pacific History of Rakugo: Between Japanese and American Literatures

入江麻美 The Women in The Great Gatsby: The Genesis of the Flapper

小田千晶 Of Mice and Men as an Optimistic Narrative: Deferring American Dream

蔭山咲子 Tactics of Ascension: CATS, or Old Possum’s Masquerade

金井優 Expanding China: Multiculturalism in the Novels of Amy Tan

金光藍 Speaking Up for America: I Love Lucy and the 1950s

近恵理子 Beneath the Southern Renaissance: The Anachronistic Imagination in the Age of Harper Lee

田ノ口正悟 Voicing Silence, Nailing Words: The Future of Writing in Pierre; or, the Ambiguities

野村亜衣 "Hey! Everybody, Yell USA!": A Cultural History of American Cheerleading

藤井智子 Displacing Autobiography: The Black Heritage of James Weldon Johnson

南出孝大 Earnest Hemingway’s Symbolic World: An Eco-critical Reading of His Works

山田真弓 Lost in the Woods: Revisiting the Biosphere of Walden

2009年度( 9名)
青山希帆 Towards the Style of Ambivalence: A Literary Gardening of East of Eden

加藤千明 Marilyn at Her Bath: The Feminist Legacy Full of American Dreams

笹口麻理絵 Motor-Flight from Old New York: International Mobility in Edith Wharton's Fiction

樋口奈美 Fictions of Identity: Passing Narratives of Chase-Riboud, Larsen, and Griffin

谷戸靖也 The Sounds of Niggaz: Hip Hop in African American Music History

伊藤 農 Loving Broken Nose: Algren's Chicogo, Terayama's Tokyo

越塚俊教 Puritanism and American Society: The Influence of Religious Thought on Culture, Economy, and Politics

山崎洋文 The Reproduction of Gilman Girls: A New Perspective to Charlotte PerkinsGilman

2008年度( 11名)
遠藤容代 Truman Capote’s Sense of Place: Revisiting His Masquerade

河村哲 Reality, Humanity, and Literature: Philip k. Dick’s Postmodern Utopia

楠友衣菜 Maria Never Dies: Her Reconciliatory Boder-Crossing in West Side Story

濟藤葵 The Office of the Red Badge: Tim O’ Brien in the American History of War Literature

高橋保笑夢 Out of the Dollhouse: The Literary Heritage of Smith College Alumnae

冨塚亮平 Humor Against Syndrome: A Reading of Donald Barthelme’s Works

豊住裕也 Gender and Narration of The Left Hand of Darkness: Le Guin’s Inner Space

平井真未 Women with Power in Soap Opera: The Image of the New Woman in Sex and the City

圓山高庸 The Answer Lies within: A Reading of Don DeLillo’s Underworld

溝渕令佳 An Invitation to the New Closet: RENT As the Utopia of Queer

村田瑞奈 In Search of the Unreliable Narrator: Reality and Insanity in One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest

2007年度( 15名)
新井友子 Hitchcock’s Logic of Suspense: Towards the Rhetoric of Meta-Movie

池嵜愛 From American Dream to Racial Nightmare: OJ Simpson Case as an Exposé of America’s Racial Issues

伊藤健彦 Adventures of Reading: The Strategy of Disguise in Huck Finn and Other Stories

風間美穂 His Monster, His/Self: The Dilemma of Identity in Edward Scissorhands

北野雅美 The Happiest Life for Women: A Comparative study of Little Women and The Makioka Sisters

小林かをる Dreaming by the Window: Desire and Intertextuality in Sister Carrie

小林翔 Inheriting Japanese Ghosts: Lafcadio Hearn's Retold Stories

小平智史 Transactions between the Verbal and the Visual: Sherwood Anderson and the Early Twentieth-Century Visual Arts

酒井真弓 The White Indian : A Reading of Reservation Blues and Indian Killer

酒寄久美 Independent Women: Black Daredevils in Hip-hop

佐藤亜沙美 "There's Something Happening Here": Forrest Gump's America

須藤由貴 Watch-Hunting: Puritanism and Voyeurism in the Works of Nathaniel Hawthorne

露木めぐみ Why Did Princess Anne Mistake Shelley for Keats? : The Subliminal Message of Roman Holiday

藤井裕美 Tourist Development in the New World Order: The Promise and Limits of American Politics

野口絵里奈 Hybridism in DARK ANGEL: The Cyborgian Identity Restructured

2006年度( 9名)
泉匡人 The Matrix Revived

坂巻志保 The Barbie Mystique: Happiness, Cuteness, Mixedness

佐々木悠治 Waiting for A New World: Collective Memory in the Works of R.A.Lafferty

高柳有佑 Nowhere Men in Paul Auster's Fiction: On the Transient and Profound Meaning of Addiction

舟川絢子 The Orientalist Witch of Oz: Baum, Maguire and Beyond

松本慎志 The Metaphorics of Baseball in Salinger and Kinsella

松本梨沙 Tastes of Honey: How Disney Read Milne's Winnie-the-Pooh

山岸薫 Anne of Green Gables: A Gift Beyond Time and Space

山本尚武 "I contain multitudes": The Photographic Imagination in Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass

2005年度( 17名)
伊藤健介 James Baldwin's Blues: On the Strategies for Overcoming the Problems

岡本憲太 Re-Creating American Baseball Narrative: From Malamud to Kinsella

勝部信雄 Of Lion Born: The Adventure of Children in Stephen King's World

加藤有佳織 Tonkatsu Self-Fashioning: Japanese- Canadian Narrative from Obasan to Chorus of Mushrooms

鬼頭陽一郎 Through the Fearful Loops: A Reading of Danielewski's House of Leaves

日下真臨 Oz, the Enchanting Land as a Mirror of America

熊谷奈緒 Girls' Side Story: Desires of Men in West Side Story

小泉ゆう子 On the Bridge between the Past and Future: A Note on Edith Wharton's Fiction

小暮のりこ Duchamp, Reich, Williams: A Note on American Multiscape

斎藤詳子 In the Ending Escape or Hope? Joseph Heller's Anti-Americanism in Catch-22

斎藤隆明 Wandering around the Unreal City: Aspects of Young Men in Jay McInerney's Bright Lights, Big City

辻綾乃 Mother's Voice Within: Alice Walker as a Womanist

盤若小夜子 Collecting Butterflies: The Heritage of Japonism in Long, Puccini and Golden

日吉良子 Genuine Voice in Hurston's World: Transmitting Women's Legacies

藤戸祥乃 Bridges over Times, Places and Generations: Everlasting Journey of Edwidge Danticat

堀川直裕 What Was Generation X Movement? A Reading of Douglas Coupland's Works

水上愛子 Against Conformity: Absurdity in Richard Brautigan's Prose

2004年度( 11名)
安達絵美子 Something Sweet about Bitter Bierce: An Ideal Death of the Death-Writer

阿部博一 We Have Double Histories: Memory and Imaginative Visions in Erickson's Fiction

飯田美香子 The Encounter with the Other Self: The Image of the Double in Twain's Works

市野恵太 After the Gold Rush: Pynchon's Vineland and the End of Utopianism

海老原豊 Visions of Cyborg Narratology: A Note on James Tiptree, Jr.'s Science Fiction'

大久保智子 Color Tornado: Transformation in Sylvia Plath's Poetry

奥田詠二 Decentered and Defeated: Ideogramic Aspects of Ezra Pound's Poetics

高木教行 "It's Really Something": The Moment of Crisis in Carver's Fiction

富山寛之 Philly Is Burning: A Reading of J. E. Wideman's Works

松井一馬 Mythology of Losers: The Idea of Transcendence in Leonard Cohen's Beautiful Losers

横田豊孝 Searching for a Possible Future: One Phase of Universality and Diversity in Bernard Malamud's Fiction

秋山友里 Searching for Innocence: The Image of People with Mental Disabilities in American Literature

大滝晃子 Rediscovering "New York Girls" in O.Henry's Works

亀田陽子 Self-Reflection in Nature: Looking for Waterscape in Hemmingway's Works

篠原詩織 Artistry as Metaphor: Kate Chopin Reconsidered

鷲見健吾 Always Intended to be Realistic: The Hidden Agenda of Raymond Chandler's Hardboiled Fiction

高原麻美 The Powerful and The Powerless: Flapper's Stylistics in Fitzgerald's Novels

多名井啓子 Secret Sings of Misery: Insect Girls in Eugenides' The Virgin Suicides

西岡絵美子 Is Scarlet a Feminist?: Reading Gone with The Wind

平松太郎 Female Trouble: Kathy Acker and Her Tactics

2002年度( 8名)
石川梨那 Where is She Going?: The Image of Orphan in American Literature

木村亜希子 Reconstructing Destiny: Circular Time and Space in Kurt Vonnegut's Fiction

小林範子 A World within Itself: Small Town in Stephen King's Fiction

杉内裕紀子 Road Toward "Manself": A Structural Reading of John Steinbeck's Grapes of Wrath

高島一美 The Meaning of Repetitions in Updike's Novels: The Inheritances from Parents to Children

高橋政行 A Lonesome Savior: John Cheever's Writing as Prayers

山口蝶子 A Chaotic World of Videos and Novels: The Intertextuality of Tarantino's Films

渡辺美樹 The Feminist Face of Louisa May Alcott

2001年度( 7名)
海老沼邦明 The Poetics of Surrogate Family: Families and Homes in Auster's Novels

高桑望実 Axross the Inner Space: A Note on Edith Wharton's Heroines

多々良綾乃 The Figure of Androgyny in Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles

千木良悠子 Richard Brautigan and His Sense of the Past

橋本雄介 Four Aspects of Sarah Orne ewett: Analyses of Narrators and Protagonists

山地彩香 No Stopping the Streetcar: Tennessee Williams Revaluated by Pedro Almodovar

山内祥之 The First Pioneers in the North American Continent: A Literary and Anthropological Study

2000年度( 9名)
青山理恵 Creative Loneliness in Truman Capote's Fiction

神戸隆子 Arthur Miller's Dramaturgy: Death of a Salesman in the Cultural Milieu of the Depression

小林美香 Gone with the Wind and American Literary History

蔡藺薫 The Feminist Imperative in Kate Chopin's The Awakening

藤田衣里奈 Portrait of the American Girl: Henry James' Ad-Space

森本奈緒 Self-Seeking and Narrative in Toni Morrison's Novels

吉田尚史 Emily Dickinson as a War Poet: A Surrealistic Reading

大塚周作 Power of Recreation: Charles Brockden Brown's Arthur Mervyn

中村江里 Loss and Recovery: Family in John Irving's Novels

1999年度( 10名)
大川裕美 A Study on Holly in Breakfast at Tiffany's

佐藤智子 The Age of Medicine: American Health in Rowson, James and Burnett

高浪三国 Beyond West's Land: Dream Narrative of Nathanael West

坪井夏子 The Self-Realization through Taoism in Eugene O'Neill's Plays

永澤彩 Alcohol and American Literature in the 20th Century

永野文香 Nuclear Imagination: Freakish Figures in Kurt Vonnegut's Novels

馬場聡 Ye Careless Saviors! : The Amae Theory and American Novels in the 1960s

原誠 Searching Hemingway's Real Image

牧野嘉文 Genius Loci in John Barth's Fiction

安森文男 Good Freud Don't Kill Bad Freud

1998年度( 12名)
浅井和香子 Dear Witch, Anne: Towards the Poetics of Prince Edward Island Literature

有田理香 The Release of Chain in Steinbeck's Fiction

井川拓 A Reading of Sam Shepard

鯨井秀幸 The Indians and Nature in The Last of the Mohicans

七野容子 Mark Twain in His Later Period: A Deconstructive Analysis of No.44 The Mysterious

高木由美子 The Hemingway Heroes

高辻由里香 What She Found There: Adrienne Rich and Her "Sources"

田中有美 Literary Influence of Don Quixote in America

千葉耕子 Destruction and Reconfiguration in Henry Miller's Tropic of Cancer

本田真己 Who's Afraid of Lolita?

藤部荒術 Eyes and Their Metaphor: Dennis Cooper's Guide

吉見知子 Pumpkin King: A Note on Tim Burton

1997年度( 7名)
佐藤明子 The Memories of Metaphors: on the Novels of John Irving 

柴田恵 Edith Wharton: A Woman Entrapped in the House

成島洋子 Steve Erickson the Contemporary Narcissus

西川朝子 The Anxiety of Photographic Influence: A Cultural Historical Approach to Emerson and Thoreau

深瀬有希子 Invisible Woman: The Heritage of the Slave Narrative in Toni Morrison's Beloved

堀口亜樹子 "I am me": Zora Neale Hurston's Declaration of Independence

依田由布子 The Universal Theme of "Living": Thornton Wilder's Dramaturgy and His Idea

1996年度( 11名)
小野幸子 James Fenimore Cooper and His Pursuit of American Identity

片倉裕美子 Baseball and American Literature

朱楊 Regenerating the American Spirit

鈴木順子 Positive Versus Negative: The Relation Between Pudd'nhead Wilson and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

田頭賢 Seeing as Misreading: Henry James's Pursuit of Freedom in The Ambassadors

田村恵理 The Healing System in Islands in the Stream

服部航平 Fake, Reality and Fantasy: The Floating Identity of Woody Allen

盛岡旅人 Go Home to Your Radio: A Reading of Le Roi Jones "The Baptism"

森山恵利加 "The Baptism" A Reading of Joseph Heller's Absurd Diptych

1995年度( 9名)
大山学 Hipster's Role in Mailer's Ideal Society

賀川恵美子 Styron's Choice: Race as the Hidden Agenda

金丸純子 Truman Capote: The Quest for the Psychological Truth

鶴田晶子 Snapshots: Ann Beattie & American Ordinary People

柳沢紀子 Celibacy, Sorority, Domesticity: Feminist Characterization in the Novels of Loisa May Alcott

山崎貴子 Suicide Novels in America

山本陽子 Witches of America: The Creation of a Distorted World

綿引あき子 A Conflict Within Oneself: Historical and Psychological Analysis of the Ku Klux Klan

和中千佐子 Madness, Violence, and Marriage: A Study of Joyce Carol Oates

1994年度( 13名)
石田礼子 ベトナム戦争のレトリック

犬塚道代 John Irvingの小説に見る家族

今泉麻子 リチャード・ライト─彼は抗議小説を書きたかったのか否か

小越晶子 隠喩としてのナッチェス

小松恵美子 Janis Joplin研究─Sex, Drug, Rock'n' Roll

信田康子 恋するフリークたち—カーソン・マッカラーズThe Member of Weddingを読む

諏訪享平 Sherwood Anderson—パストラリズムの文学

高島和子 Katherine Anne Porter─二項対立の世界における真実

奏由香里 アリス・ウォーカーとブラック・ウーマニスト・ブルジョワジーの諸問題

日野智豪 Charles Brockden Brown—または病としての"女"

丸山史絵 ギャザー文学に見るレズビアン的服装倒錯

宮田佳代子 内省する文学—ハーマン・メルヴィルにおける現実批判

1993年度( 13名)
相澤紫乃 Patrick McGrath のポストモダン・ゴシック

荒牧久美子 J. D. Salinger にみられる新批評的イデオロギー

印南美佐 Ernest Hemingway, A Movable Feast に見られるフィクショニズム

片岡悦子 The Wings of the Dove — Kate と Milly における人間像

加藤英理子 Emily Dickinson と実存的魂

楠見友加 Truman Capote — ノンフィクション・ノヴェルからゴシップ・ロマンスへ

小松薫 Bobbie Ann Mason — 移動の拒否に見るもうひとつのアメリカン・ドリーム

鈴木絵実 Flannery O'Connor における母子像

平賀美由起 多様の中の統一 — Thoreau の芸術世界

細川和貴 John Barth, The Sot-Weed Factor に見る「歴史改変小説」の政治性

真下拓哉 Thomas Pynchon — ピューリタニズムの再構築

渡部地平 Stephen King — 四作品に見る「悪」の形態

1992年度( 15名)
池田英志 Bob Dylan 歌への回帰

岩田知子 John Steinbeck——変貌の中に潜む一貫性とその正体

印南美佐 Ernest Hemingway, A Movable Feast に見られる"fictionism"

上嶋明子 F. S. フィッツジェラルドにおける悲劇的意匠—『最後の大君』を中心に

下川真紀 Bernard Malamud, The Natural

田嶋豊 サリンジャーに見るアメリカの正義と虚無

土屋直之 黒人文学・ブルースにおける"Literacy"獲得の意義:およびその商品価値を考える

箸方久美 Henry David Thoreau, Walden における"self-culture"

原田綾子 Theodore Dreiser—資本主義社会における人生の意味

東亜野子 ヘミングウェイ的倫理—祝祭・死・楽園を中心に

水谷竹史 F. Scott Fitzgerald—ロマンティック・モラリストの肖像

山田菜都美 Kurt Vonnegut における自由意志と決定論—螺旋状時間の定義

山口恭司 Southern Narratives—フォークナーの物語装置

1991年度( 3名)
佐々木万利子 『風と共に去りぬ』研究—『風と共に去りぬ』における南部的キャノン

細萱久美 アメリカン・フロンティアまたは拡大する想像力— Laura Ingalls, Little House on The Prairie をめぐって

岡田和久 ホールデン以後の現代若者像