A. 一次資料
A.1 様々なMoby-Dick
A.1.1 Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. Adapt. Geraldine McCaughrean. Illus. Victor G Ambrus. 1996. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998. (102 pages)
A.1.2 ---. Moby Dick. Illus. Alex Nino. Illustrated Pendulum's Stories. West Haven: Pendulum, 1990. (61 pages)
A.1.3 ---. Moby Dick. Adapt. Bernice Selden. Illust. Gary Gianni. Troll Illustrated Classics. New Jersey: Troll, 1988. (48 pages)
A.1.4 ---. Moby Dick. Adapt. Bill Sienkiewicz. Classics Illustrated. New York: Berkley, 1990. (44 pages)
A.2 Moby-Dick 周辺作品
A.2.1 Bosworth, Allan R. Storm Tide: A Novel. New York: Harper, 1965. (p.268)
A.2.2 Carlisle, Henry. The Jonah Man: A Novel. New York: Knopf, 1984. (260 pages)
A.2.3 Naslund, Sena Jeter. Ahab's Wife: Or the Star-Gazer. New York: Morrow, 1999. (668 pages)
A.2.4 Reynolds, J. N. Mocha-Dick: The White Whale of the Pacific. Illus. L[owel] L[eRoy] Balcom. New York: Scribner, 1932. (91 pages)
B. 二次資料
B.1 メルヴィル関連
B.1.1 Bercaw, Mary K. Melville's Sources. Evanston: Northwestern UP, 1987. (213 pages)
B.1.2 Heffernan, Thomas Farel. "Appendix A: Herman Melville's Annotations and Markings in His Copy of Owen Chase's Narrative." Stove Bay & Whale: Owen Chase and the Essex. Connecticut: Wesleyan UP, 1981. 184-209. (Xerox)
B.1.3 Heflin, W[illiam] L. Herman Melville's Whaling Years. 1952. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1996. (481 pages)
B.1.4 Sealts, Merton M, Jr. Melville's Reading. 1948. Rev. and enl. ed. Columbia, SC: U of South Carolina UP, 1982. (213 pages)
B.2 文化史的背景ほか
B.2.1 Cooper, George, comp (Under the Direction of the Damon Family). Seamen's Chaplain: Reflections on the Life of Samuel C. Damon. (Inc. Centennial Reflections and Damon Memorial by Samuel C. Damon). Honolulu: Signature, 1992. (148+ pages)
B.2.2 Forster, Honore, comp. More South Sea Whaling: A Supplement to the South Sea Whaler: An Annotated Bibliography of Published Historical, Literary and Art Material Relating to Whaling in the Pacific Ocean in the Nineteenth Century. Canberra: Australian National UP, 1991. (61 pages)
B.2.3 ---, comp. The South Sea Whaler: An Annotated Bibliography of Published Historical, Literary and Art Material Relating to Whaling in the Pacific Ocean in the Nineteenth Century. Sharon: Kendall Whaling Museum, 1985. (157 pages)
B.2.4 Maran, Michael James. The Decline of the American Whaling Industry. 1974. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1988. (154 pages)
B.2.5 Palmer, W[illiam] R. The Waling Port of Sag Harbor. 1959. Ann Arbor: UMI, 1988. (326 pages)
B.2.6 Society for the Bibliography of Natural History. The Journal of the Society for the Bibliography of Natural History 2.4 (1948). London: Soc. c/o British Museum. (Inc. James Travis Jenkins, "Bibliography of Whaling," 71-166. )
B.2.7 Starbuck, Alexander. History of the American Whale Fishery. Secaucus: Castle, 1989. (779 pages)
B.3 図版・カタログ
B.3.1 The Houghton Library 1942-1967: A Selection of Books and Manuscripts in Harvard Collections. Cambridge, MA: Harvard College Library, 1997. (255 pages)
B.3.2 Frank, Stuart M. Herman Melville's Picture Gallery: Sources and Types of the "Pictorial" Chapters of Moby-Dick. Fairhaven, MA: Lefkowicz, 1986. (133 pages)
B.3.3 Kenneth Spencer Research Library. Images of Moby-Dick: An Exhibition of Editions of Herman Melville's Great Novel of Whaling. Dept of Special Collections, Kenneth Spencer Research Library. Lawrence: U of Kansas P, 1995. (33 pages)
C. 邦語文献
C.1 阿部知二『Melville』研究社英米文学評伝叢書95。東京:研究社、1934年。(全147頁)
C.2 『英語研究(The Study of English)』第57巻9号(1968年9月号)「特集:海の文学(コンラッドとメルビル)」収録
C.3 『英語青年(The Rising Generation)』第111巻10号(1965年10月号)「小説研究:アメリカ初期の短篇小説」(原田敬一「Herman Melville」)収録
C.4 『英語青年』第115巻8号(1969年8月号)「ハーマン・メルヴィル特集」収録
C.5 『英語青年』第137巻9号(1991年12月号)「特集:ハーマン・メルヴィル」収録
C.6 『キネマ旬報』第157号(1956年秋の特別号)「新映画評 白鯨Moby Dick」(杉山平「メルヴィルとヒューストン」、荒正人「映画『白鯨』における文学との距離」、宮島義勇「『白鯨』の色彩設計」)「シナリオ白鯨 Moby Dick」収録