巽先生のご論文 "The Double Task of the Translator: Poe and His Japanese Disciples" では、幕末・明治初期から現代を概観されながら、日本文学が、西洋の文学を単に習う対象としていただけでなく、いかに自らのオリジナリティとして呑み込んできたかを、ヨネ・ノグチのポー盗作事件を参照しながら指摘されます。さらに、明治初期、文語と口語がいまだ乖離していた時期の饗庭篁村(1855-1922)、森田思軒(1861-97) の初期翻訳から、芥川、佐藤、谷崎、江戸川乱歩、そして巽先生自身を貫く、歴代ポー翻訳が詳細に比較検討されています。
Translated Poe
Perspectives on Poe Series
Edited by Emron Esplin, Margarida Vale de Gato
464 Pages
Published by Lehigh University Press
Introduction: Poe in/and Translation
Emron Esplin and Margarida Vale de Gato
- Poe Translations in Portugal: A Standing Challenge for Changing Literary Systems (Margarida Vale de Gato)
- A Historical Approach to the Translation of Poe's Narrative Works in Spain (Margarita Rigal-Aragón)
- The Italian Translations of Edgar Allan Poe's Woks (Ugo Rubeo)
- Edgar Allan Poe in Greek Letters: A "Perfect and Permanent Success" (Maria Filippakopoulou)
- Poe Translations in France (Lois Davis Vines)
- Poe in Germany: A Panoramic and Historical View of His Works Translated into the German Language (Marius Littschwager)
- The History of Poe Translations in Russia (Elvira Osipova)
- Edgar Allan Poe in Romanian Translation (Liviu Cotrau)
- Hyper-Poe: The Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe in Sweden (Johan Wijkmark)
- Edgar Allan Poe and Icelandic Literary Culture (Ástráður Eysteinsson)
- Transatlantic Mediation: Edgar Allan Poe and Arabic Literary Traditions in Morocco (Bouchra Benlemlih)
- The Egyptian Afterlife: Translations of Edgar Allan Poe in Egypt (Magda M. Hasabelnaby)
- Edgar Allan Poe in Turkish: Translations in Three Alphabets (Hivren Demir-Atay)
- Encountering the Melancholy Swan: Edgar Allan Poe and Nineteenth-Century Mexican Culture (Rafael Olea Franco and Pamela Vicenteño Bravo, translated by Marlene Hansen Esplin)
- The Unparalleled Adventure of One Edgar Poe in the Brazilian Literary System (Lenita Esteves)
- The Double Task of the Translator: Poe and His Japanese Disciples (Takayuki Tatsumi)
- Edgar Allan Poe in Classical and Vernacular Chinese Translations (Zongxin Feng)
- Poe Translation in Korea, 1945-2010: A Short Historical Sketch (Woosung Kang)
- Retranslating Poe into French (Henri Justin)
- "Black Radiation:" Arno Schmidt's Appropriation of Poe (Daniel Göske)
- Code for Kids: The Story of the First Translation of "The Gold-Bug" in Russia (Alexandra Urakova)
- (Un)Masking the Red Death in Romanian Translations (Daniela Haisan)
- Poe in Brazil: The Case of "The Fall of the House of Usher" (Renata Philippov)
- "William Wilson" as a Microcosm of Julio Cortázar's Poe Translations: Horror in the Doubling of the Human Will (Emron Espiln)
- An Early Reading of "The Black Cat" in Japanese (J. Scott Miller)
- "The Fall of House of Usher" from a Translational Perspective in China (Aimei Ji)
- Fernando Pessoa Sprititualizes Poe (George Monteiro)
- Spanish Versions of a Modern Classic: Poe's Poetry in Spain through the Twentieth Century (Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan)
- The Reception of Poe's Poetry in the Turkish Cultural and Literary System (Ayşe Nihal Akbulut)
- Seven Ravens: Icelandic Renderings of "The Raven" (Ástráður Eysteinsson and Eysteinn Þorvaldsson)
- Return to El Dorado? Poe Translated in Mexico in the Twenty-First Century (Christopher Rollason)
About the Editors and Contributors
なお、来年2015年2月26日から3月1日に渡って第4回国際ポー会議が開催されます。最終日の3月1日のパネル "Originality and Plagiarism" では、巽先生が "Origins of Originality: Poe, Noguchi, and Pound" をご報告されます。
The Poe Studies Association's
Fourth International Edgar Allan Poe Conference
//最終日 3月1日のパネル "Originality and Plagiarism"
Session 10, 9:00-10:15
D Broadway
- Chair: Alvin Holm, Independent Scholar
- Lesley Ginsberg, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, "'William Wilson' and the Crisis of Originality"
- Carole M. Shaffer-Koros, Kean University, "Edgar Allan Poe and Eugene Sue: A Fraught Authorial Relationship"
- Takayuki Tatsumi, Keio University, Japan, "Origins of Originality: Poe, Noguchi, and Pound"
- Lehigh University Press
- The Poe Studies Association
- 日本ポー学会
- 今月末、巽先生の共著 Translated Poe (Lehigh University Press) が刊行予定!カバーデザインが届きました!(CPA: 2014/10/11)
- フィラデルフィアでのポー国際会議にて巽先生司会(CPA: 2009/09/29)
- 巽先生が日本ポー学会第一回大会の特別講演の司会を担当!(CPA: 2008/08/23)
『NHKカルチャーラジオ 文学の世界 エドガー・アラン・ポー 文学の冒険家』(NHK出版、2012年)
Full Metal Apache: Transactions Between Cyberpunk Japan and Avant-Pop America (Duke UP, 2006)
『エドガー・アラン・ポーの世紀 生誕200周年記念必携』(研究社、2009年)
『E・A・ポウを読む (岩波セミナーブックス)』(岩波書店、1995年)
笠井潔『群衆の悪魔 下 (デュパン第四の事件) (創元推理文庫)』(東京創元社、2010年)