
リーハイ大学出版よりTranslated Poe が刊行!巽先生のご論文 "The Double Task of the Translator: Poe and His Japanese Disciples" が寄稿されています!

以前にCPAで告知した通り、このたびリーハイ大学出版より Translated Poe が刊行!本書は、世界各国におけるポー作品の受容を「翻訳」に着目して探求したもので、フランスを始めとしたヨーロッパはもちろん、アフリカ(モロッコ/エジプト)や、南米(メキシコ/ブラジル)、アジア(日本/中国/韓国)まで、極めて広域を射程に、31本の論文が収められています。本書前半の各章では、各地域におけるポー受容・翻訳事情が考察され、後半では、翻訳の観点からジャンルの再考や翻訳プロセスの問題などを提示することを通じ、ポー作品の新たな分析の可能性が開拓されます。

巽先生のご論文 "The Double Task of the Translator: Poe and His Japanese Disciples" では、幕末・明治初期から現代を概観されながら、日本文学が、西洋の文学を単に習う対象としていただけでなく、いかに自らのオリジナリティとして呑み込んできたかを、ヨネ・ノグチのポー盗作事件を参照しながら指摘されます。さらに、明治初期、文語と口語がいまだ乖離していた時期の饗庭篁村(1855-1922)、森田思軒(1861-97) の初期翻訳から、芥川、佐藤、谷崎、江戸川乱歩、そして巽先生自身を貫く、歴代ポー翻訳が詳細に比較検討されています。


Translated Poe 
Perspectives on Poe Series
Edited by Emron Esplin, Margarida Vale de Gato
464 Pages
Published by Lehigh University Press

Introduction: Poe in/and Translation
Emron Esplin and Margarida Vale de Gato

  1. Poe Translations in Portugal: A Standing Challenge for Changing Literary Systems (Margarida Vale de Gato)
  2. A Historical Approach to the Translation of Poe's Narrative Works in Spain (Margarita Rigal-Aragón)
  3. The Italian Translations of Edgar Allan Poe's Woks (Ugo Rubeo)
  4. Edgar Allan Poe in Greek Letters: A "Perfect and Permanent Success" (Maria Filippakopoulou)
  5. Poe Translations in France (Lois Davis Vines)
  6. Poe in Germany: A Panoramic and Historical View of His Works Translated into the German Language (Marius Littschwager)
  7. The History of Poe Translations in Russia (Elvira Osipova)
  8. Edgar Allan Poe in Romanian Translation (Liviu Cotrau)
  9. Hyper-Poe: The Introduction of Edgar Allan Poe in Sweden  (Johan Wijkmark)
  10. Edgar Allan Poe and Icelandic Literary Culture (Ástráður Eysteinsson)
  11. Transatlantic Mediation: Edgar Allan Poe and Arabic Literary Traditions in Morocco (Bouchra Benlemlih)
  12. The Egyptian Afterlife: Translations of Edgar Allan Poe in Egypt (Magda M. Hasabelnaby)
  13. Edgar Allan Poe in Turkish: Translations in Three Alphabets (Hivren Demir-Atay)
  14. Encountering the Melancholy Swan: Edgar Allan Poe and Nineteenth-Century Mexican Culture (Rafael Olea Franco and Pamela Vicenteño Bravo, translated by Marlene Hansen Esplin)
  15. The Unparalleled Adventure of One Edgar Poe in the Brazilian Literary System (Lenita Esteves)
  16. The Double Task of the Translator: Poe and His Japanese Disciples (Takayuki Tatsumi)
  17. Edgar Allan Poe in Classical and Vernacular Chinese Translations (Zongxin Feng)
  18. Poe Translation in Korea, 1945-2010: A Short Historical Sketch (Woosung Kang)

  1.  Retranslating Poe into French (Henri Justin)
  2. "Black Radiation:" Arno Schmidt's Appropriation of Poe (Daniel Göske)
  3. Code for Kids: The Story of the First Translation of "The Gold-Bug" in Russia (Alexandra Urakova)
  4. (Un)Masking the Red Death in Romanian Translations (Daniela Haisan)
  5. Poe in Brazil: The Case of "The Fall of the House of Usher" (Renata Philippov)
  6. "William Wilson" as a Microcosm of Julio Cortázar's Poe Translations: Horror in the Doubling of the Human Will (Emron Espiln)
  7. An Early Reading of "The Black Cat" in Japanese (J. Scott Miller)
  8. "The Fall of House of Usher" from a Translational Perspective in China (Aimei Ji)
  9. Fernando Pessoa Sprititualizes Poe (George Monteiro)
  10. Spanish Versions of a Modern Classic: Poe's Poetry in Spain through the Twentieth Century (Santiago Rodríguez Guerrero-Strachan)
  11. The Reception of Poe's Poetry in the Turkish Cultural and Literary System (Ayşe Nihal Akbulut)
  12. Seven Ravens: Icelandic Renderings of "The Raven" (Ástráður Eysteinsson and Eysteinn Þorvaldsson)
  13. Return to El Dorado? Poe Translated in Mexico in the Twenty-First Century (Christopher Rollason)
About the Editors and Contributors

なお、来年2015年2月26日から3月1日に渡って第4回国際ポー会議が開催されます。最終日の3月1日のパネル "Originality and Plagiarism" では、巽先生が "Origins of Originality: Poe, Noguchi, and Pound" をご報告されます。

The Poe Studies Association's 
Fourth International Edgar Allan Poe Conference

//最終日 3月1日のパネル "Originality and Plagiarism"
Session 10, 9:00-10:15
D Broadway
  • Chair: Alvin Holm, Independent Scholar
  • Lesley Ginsberg, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, "'William Wilson' and the Crisis of Originality"
  • Carole M. Shaffer-Koros, Kean University, "Edgar Allan Poe and Eugene Sue: A Fraught Authorial Relationship"
  • Takayuki Tatsumi, Keio University, Japan, "Origins of Originality: Poe, Noguchi, and Pound"





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