巽先生のご論文 "Planet of the Frogs: Thoreau, Anderson, and Murakami" は、ソローの『森の生活』における蛙の鳴き声に着目したディモックの議論から出発し、ポール・アンダーソンの映画『マグノリア』、村上春樹の『海辺のカフカ』に通底する蛙の表象を論じられます。ぜひご一読を!
Volume 21, Number 3, October 2013
Special Issue: Postmodernist Fiction: East and West
Edited by Wang Ning & Brian McHale
Introduction: Historicizing Postmodernist Fiction (Wang Ning)
European Postmodernism: The Cosmodern Turn (Theo D’haen)
After the Revolution: US Postmodernism in the Twenty-First Century (Robert
L. McLaughlin)
A Reflection on Postmodernist Fiction in China: Avant-Garde Narrative
Experimentation (Wang Ning)
Viktor Pelevin and Literary Postmodernism in Post-Soviet Russia (Elana
City Botany: Reading Urban Ecologies in China through Amitav Ghosh’s
River of Smoke (Kanika Batra)
A Mosaic of Fragments as Narrative Practice: Maqiao Dictionary (Zongxin
Planet of the Frogs: Thoreau, Anderson, and Murakami (Takayuki Tatsumi)
Afterword: Reconstructing Postmodernism (Brian McHale)
・International Society for the Study of Narrative
・Wai Chee Dimock 教授ご講演:巽先生司会(CPA: 06/14/2010)
Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence ネブラスカ大学出版局より
刊行!(CPA: 11/18/2008)
刊行!(CPA: 08/12/2011)
より刊行!(CPA: 08/05/2011)
巽先生著 Full Metal Apache: Transactions Between Cyberpunk Japan And Avant-Pop America (Post-Contemporary Interventions)
巽先生寄稿 Survivance: Narratives of Native Presence
巽先生著『メタフィクションの思想 (ちくま学芸文庫)』
波戸岡景太先生著『ピンチョンの動物園 (エコクリティシズム・コレクション)』