
11/11:PAMLA第 114回年次大会にて巽先生ご発表:“The Rhetoric of Exodus: Reading Barbara Johnson’s Reading of Freud”

11月 11日(金)〜13日(日)にわたり、パサデナにて PAMLA第 114回年次大会が下記のとおり開催されます!

一日目の Session 1: Psychoanalysis as an American Frontier: What Freud Discovered では、巽先生が “The Rhetoric of Exodus: Reading Barbara Johnson’s Reading of Freud” をご発表されます。

また、同日の Session 4: Literary Property and “Character” in 19th Century American Culture では、宇沢美子先生(本塾文学部)が “Okakura Kakuzo and the Japanese Court of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston” を、院ゼミOGの深瀬有希子先生(実践女子大学文学部)が “Enfacing and Effacing the Cultural Other: Property and Democracy for Bayard Taylor and William Speiden Jr. ” をご発表されます。


PAMLA  (Pacific Ancient and Modern Language Association)
114th Annual Conference
日時:2016年 11月(金)〜13日(日)

SESSION 1: Psychoanalysis as an American Frontier: What Freud Discovered

Session Chair: Fuhito Endo, Seikei University
Time: Friday 8:40-10:10am
Location: Santa Rosa

  • ‘You Have No Unconscious’: On the Radicality of Freud's Thinking (Todd Dufresne, “Lakehead University, Canada”)
  • The Death Drive and Emersonian Moral Perfectionism (Keiko Ogata, SUNY at Buffalo)
  • The Rhetoric of Exodus: Reading Barbara Johnson’s Reading of Freud (Takayuki Tatsumi, Keio University, Japan)

SESSION 4: Literary Property and “Character” in 19th Century American Culture

Session Chair: Mikayo Sakuma, Wayo Women’s University
Time: Friday 3:30-5:00pm
Location: Altadena I

  • The Translated Howl: Lydia Maria Child and the Reformation of Affective Public Speech (Bonnie O’Neill, Mississippi State University)
  • Enfacing and Effacing the Cultural Other: Property and Democracy for Bayard Taylor and William Speiden Jr. (Yukiko Fukase, Jissen Women’s University)
  • Pequod, Jungfrau, Rose Bud: Melville's Narrative on the Global Seas (Martin W Kevorkian, University of Texas, Austin)
  • Okakura Kakuzo and the Japanese Court of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (Yoshiko Uzawa, Keio University)

※詳しいスケジュールは PAMLAのホームページをご覧ください。
