トランスナショナル・アメリカン・スタディーズの方法論から、事例研究まで、31点の刺激的な論考が収められています。巽先生とともに編集を務められた Nina Morgan先生(Kennesaw State University)による "Laws of Forgiveness: Obama, Mandela, Derrida" や、同じく編集を務められた Alfred Hornung先生(Johannes Gutenberg University)による "Confucius and America: The Moral Constitution of Statecraft" は、トランスナショナルな視座からアメリカ研究の "定説" をあざやかに更新します。
日本から参加されている、 越智博美先生(一橋大学)の "Translations of American Cultural Politics into the Context of Postwar Japan"、宇沢美子先生(慶應義塾大学)の "A Mixed Legacy: Chinoiserie and Japonisme in Onoto Watanna’s A Japanese Nightingale"、メアリー・A・ナイトン先生(青山学院大学)の "Guam, Un-Inc.; or Craig Santos Perez’s Transterritorial Challenge to American Studies as Usual"、そしてもちろん巽先生の "Thinking After the Hemispheric: 'The Planetary Expanse of Transnational American Writing'" は、太平洋も国境も越えて展開するアメリカ文学・文化とその変奏を詳らかにします。
また、Journal of Transnational American Studies の創刊から編集に携わり、2003年には慶應義塾大学でもご講演くださった(講演の模様はCPA Monthly #25-1やPanic Americana Vol.10に掲載されています)Shelley Fisher Fishkin先生(Stanford University)の "Collaboration in Transnational American Studies" や、Anthem Studies in Global English Literature シリーズ監修を務められ、同じく2011年にご講演くださったPaul Giles先生(University of Sydney)の "Reorienting the Transnational: Transatlantic,Transpacific, and Antipodean" も見逃せません!
題:The Routledge Companion to Transnational American Studies
ISBN:978-1-138-05890-3 (hardcover); 978-131-516393-2 (ebook)
【Table of Contents】
PART I / Theorizing Transnational American Studies
- Shelley Fisher Fishkin: “Collaboration in Transnational American Studies”
- Paul Giles: “Reorienting the Transnational: Transatlantic, Transpacific, and Antipodean”
- Oliver Scheiding: “Worlding America and Transnational American Studies”
- Brian Russell Roberts: “Archipelagic American Studies: An Open and Comparative Insularity”
- Mina Karavanta: “The Transnational Poetics of Edward Said: Dangerous Affiliations & Impossible Comparisons”
- William Nessly: “The Pacific Turn: Transnational Asian American Studies”
- Birgit Bauridl / Pia Wiegmink: “Cultural Performance and Transnational American Studies”
- Karim Bejjit: “The Barbary Frontier and Transnational Allegories of Freedom”
- Birgit Daewes: “Stages of Crossing: Transnational Indigenous Futures”
- Gloria E. Chacon: “The Assembling of Trans-Indigènitude Through International Circuits of Poetry”
- Sabine Kim: “Traveling Sounds: Vodou, Michael Jackson, and the Fisk Jubilee Singers”
- Emron Esplin: “Translating Poe in New York in the 1880s: Or, Poe’s Other Transnationalism”
- Alfred Hornung: “Confucius and America: The Moral Constitution of Statecraft”
- Hiromi Ochi: “Translations of American Cultural Politics into the Context of Postwar Japan”
- Yoshiko Uzawa: “A Mixed Legacy: Chinoiserie and Japonisme in Onoto Watanna’s A Japanese Nightingale”
- Sarah Ruffing Robbins: “Gender and Transnational American Studies”
- Elizabeth West: “Ethiopianism, Gender, and Transnationalism in Pauline Hopkins's Of One Blood”
- Isabel Durán: “Transnationalism, Autobiography and Criticism: the Spaces of Women’s Imagination”
- Udo J. Hebel: “Iconography, Interpictoriality, and Transnational American Studies”
- Karsten Fitz: “The Visual Aesthetics of Politicians and Their Transatlantic Influence”
- Kevin Gaines: “Lincoln in Africa”
- Nina Morgan: “Laws of Forgiveness”: Mandela, Obama, Derrida”
- Rob Kroes: “Visual Intertextuality and Transnational American Studies: Revisiting American Exceptionalism”
- Sebastian M. Herrmann: “Post-Truth=Post-Narrative? Reading the Narrative Liminality of Transnational Right-Wing Populism”
- Liam Kennedy: “American Realities: A European Perspective on Trump’s America”
- Boris Vejdovsky: “The Performance of American Popular Culture: Rhetoric and Symbolic Forms in American Western Movies”
- Jennifer A. Reimer: “Border Encounters: Theorizing the US-Mexico Border as Transa”
- Denijal Jegić: “Transnational and Intersectional Implications of the Intifada”
- Mary A. Knighton: “Guam, Un-Inc.; or Craig Santos Perez’s Transterritorial Challenge to American Studies as Usual”
- Hsuan L. Hsu & Bryan Yazell: “Post-Apocalyptic Geographies and Structural Appropriations”
- Takayuki Tatsumi: “Thinking After the Hemispheric: ‘The Planetary Expanse of Transnational American Writing’”
- Routledge Companion to Transnational American Studies
- Routledge Companion
- Journal of Transnational American Studies
- 巽先生著作リスト "Transnational Writings" が更新されました! (CPA: 2019/06/08)
- 『極東書店ニュース』649号が発行されました/The Routledge Companion to Transnational American Studiesが掲載されています!(CPA: 2019/02/02)
- The Routledge Companion to Transnational American Studies 2019年3月刊行予定です!(CPA: 2018/11/10)
- Anthem Studies in Global English Literatures のお知らせ/巽先生が編集委員を務められます!(CPA: 2018/10/10)
- 慶應義塾大学G-SECアメリカ研究プロジェクトの活動報告が、G-SECホームページにてアップされています。(CPA: 2013/03/21)
- 10/15: Paul Giles教授、ご講演 "Turning American Literature Inside Out: Transatlantic Seascapes and the Global Imaginary" のお知らせ(巽先生司会)(CPA: 2011/09/30)
- CPA Monthly #25-1. 2005年度総括(CPA Monthly: 2006/01/24)
- ASA会長Shelley Fisher Fishkin氏講演会を開催(CPA: 2003/01/01)