Poe Studies Association が隔年刊行している機関学術誌The Edgar Allan Poe Review の第20巻1号(2019年)は、JSTOR もしくは Project Muse でもお読みいただけます。国際ポー&ホーソーン会議第二日目の巽先生による基調講演 に加えて、6点の論考が並びます。ご関心お持ちの方は、ぜひご覧ください!
The Edgar Allan Poe Review, vol.20, no.1, 2019
Published by Penn State UP
Journal DOI: 10.5325/edgallpoerev.20.1.issue-1
Front Matter
From the Editor / Barbara Cantalupo
Front Matter
From the Editor / Barbara Cantalupo
- The Works of the Late Edgar Allan Poe: Poe's Legacy and Griswold's Authority / Jeffrey A. Savoye
- A New Letter from Poe to Lowell on the Pioneer / Gabriel Mckee
- “Such as I Have Painted”: Poe, “The Masque of the Red Death,” and the VanitasGenre / Brett Zimmerman
- How Poe's Devil Helped Corrupt Mark Twain's Hadleyburg / Dennis W. Eddings
- “Horror More Horrible From Being Vague, and Terror More Terrible From Ambiguity”: Liminal Figures in Poe's “Berenice” and Gilman's “The Giant Wistaria” / Staci Poston Conner
- In the Footsteps of the “Goldsmith of Magical Wonders”: Revisiting the Popular Poe in Pío Baroja's Early Tales / José R. Ibáñez
- In Pym's Footsteps: Poe, Ooka, and Ballard / Takayuki Tatsumi
- Excerpts from “A Raving Socrates: Poe and the Grotesque Truth of Humor” / G. R. Thompson
- Unriddled: The Stonington Cipher Mystery and Who Is S. D. L.? / Michael J. Bielawa
- Thomas Keneally, Adam Lindsay Gordon, and Poe / Tracy Ware
- Interview with G. R. Thompson: Lafayette, Indiana, May 22, 2018 / Barbara Cantalupo
- Poe Studies Association Updates
- Abstracts for the PSA Panel at the American Literature Association