〒108-8345 東京都港区三田2-15-45(アクセス / キャンパス)
Cody Poulton, A Begger's Art: Scripting Modernity in Japanese Drama, 1900-1930 (U of Hawaii P, 2010)
Cody Poulton et al., editors, A Tokyo Anthology: Literature from Japan's Modern Petropolis, 1850-1920 (U of Hawaii P, 2017)
forthcoming: Cody Poulton, editor, Citizens of Tokyo: Six Plays (Seagull Books, 2017)
Cody Poulton, Mitsuya Mori, and J. Thomas Rimer, editors, The Columbia Anthology of Modern Japanese Drama (Columbia UP, 2014)
Cody Poulton, Katsuhiko Endo, and Richard Kiing, editors, Sino-Japanese Transculturation: Late Nineteenth Century to the End of the Pacific War (Lexington Books, 2011)
Cody Poulton, Spirits of Another Sort: The Plays of Izumi Kyoka (U of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies, 2001)