“Looking for the Letter”
2016年 6月 7日(火)14:45-16:15
慶應義塾大学三田キャンパス西校舎 515番教室
著書にRomances of the Republic (Oxford UP, 1996), Facing America (Oxford UP, 2004), Reading the American Novel: 1780 - 1865 (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014), 編著にThe Culture of Sentiment (Oxford UP, 1992), A Companion to American Fiction 1780-1865 (Wiley-Blackwell, 2006), The Cambridge Companion to Abraham Lincoln (Cambridge UP, 2012)など。(※フライヤーより)
- 06/07:シャーリー・サミュエルズ教授講演会 “Confidence Men on the Mississippi” 開催のお知らせ@三田キャンパス研究室棟 A会議室 10:45-12:15
- 06/07:シャーリー・サミュエルズ教授講演会 “Looking for the Letter” 開催のお知らせ@三田キャンパス西校舎 515番教室 14:45-16:15
- 06/09:シャーリー・サミュエルズ教授公開講演会 “Looking at Lincoln” 開催のお知らせ@立教大学 12号館地下会議室 18:40-20:30
Romances of the Republic: Women, the Family, and Violence in the Literature of the Early American Nation (Oxford UP, 1996)
Facing America: Iconography and the Civil War (Oxford UP, 2004)
Reading the American Novel: 1780 - 1865 (Wiley-Blackwell, 2014)
Shirley Samuels, ed. The Culture of Sentiment: Race, Gender, and Sentimentality in Nineteenth-Century America (Oxford UP, 1992)
Shirley Samuels, ed. A Companion to American Fiction 1780-1865 (Wiley-Blackwell, 2006)
Shirley Samuels, ed. The Cambridge Companion to Abraham Lincoln (Cambridge UP, 2012)