
【永久保存版】2020年度米文学演習「アメリカン・ルネッサンス」 必読書リスト

100 Must Read Books for Students of Early American Literature 
An A to Z Book Guide 2020 
2020年度版 米文学演習「アメリカン・ルネッサンス」 必読書リスト100 
巽 孝之・選 

   私が長く担当してきた米文学演習は一貫して 19世紀中葉におけるアメリカ史上初の黄金時代、 F・ O・マシーセン呼ぶところの「アメリカン・ルネッサンス」を扱ってきた。その総体を解釈するには、この時代が突如として開花したわけではなく、 17世紀ピューリタン植民地時代から 18世紀アメリカ建国時代を経た文学思想史によってあらかじめ耕されてきた土壌をまずは踏まえねばならないという前提が必要だ。 17世紀神権制は至極単純に 18世紀民主制へとパラダイム・シフトを遂げたわけではない。熱病に近い情熱に突き動かされて旧大陸から新大陸へ移民したピューリタンたちの「荒野への使命」(Errand into the Wilderness)は、やがてキリスト教信仰への懐疑心が蔓延する 19世紀中葉においても消滅することなく、領土拡張主義政策のスローガン「明白なる運命」(Manifest Destiny)に姿を変えて生き延び、帝国主義の温床を成すのだから。

   したがって、下記の必読書リストも一次文献については 17世紀、 18世紀、19世紀から成る三部構成。末尾には 基本図書から最新理論に及ぶ二次文献20冊を付した。一次文献の大半は米文学史でも教科書に定めている ノートン版アンソロジー第9版(The Norton Anthology of American Literature: Beginnings to 1865 Shorter Ninth Edition {Norton,2017})から抽出している。それ以外の文献を掲げている場合は、すべて現在入手可能な書誌情報を付したので参考にされたい。

   なお、春学期のイントロダクションで熟読してもらうマシーセン、ファイデルソン、レナルズ、ギルモアのテクストについては、オンラインで用意し、これらのテクストをもとに期末レポート(4000字〜 6000字程度)を書いてもらう予定。ゆえに、これら四つのテクストは、ここには入れていない。以下の二次文献に入れたのは、アメリカン・ルネッサンスをさらに広く深く理解するのに不可欠な文献である、

Primary Sources

1. Captain John Smith. The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles, Chapter 3. 1616.
 (Bibliothaca Americana, 1966)

2. William Bradford. Of Plymouth Plantation. 1630-50.
(Capricorn Book, 1962)

3. John Winthrop. “A Model of Christian Charity.” 1630.
(Bridgeman Art Library International)

4. Thomas Morton. New English Canaan. 1637. Da Capo, 1969.
(Digital Scanning, 2000)

5. Roger Williams. A Key into the Language of America. 1643.
(The Tomaquag Museum Edition, 2019)

6. Anne Bradstreet. “The Prologue.” 1650.

(Several Poems Boston, 1758; John Carter Brown Library)

7. ---. “Contemplations.” 1678.

(The Works of Ann Bradstreet Belknap, 1981)

8. ---. “To My Dear and Loving Husband.” 1678. 
(Stained glass window, St. Botolph's Church)

9. Mary White Rowlandson. A Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. 1682. See Vaughn and Clark.
(CreateSpace Publishing, 2016)

10. Samuel Sewall. The Diary of Samuel Sewall, 1674-1729. Ed. M. Hasley Thomas. 2.vols. FSG, 1973.

11. Cotton Mather. The Wonders of the Invisible World. 1692.
(Good Press, 2019)

12. ---. “A Narrative of Hannah Dustan’s Notable Deliverance from Captivity.” 1706. Puritans among Indians: Accounts of Captivity and Redemption, 1676-1724. Ed. Alden T. Vaughn and Edward W. Clark. Harvard/Belknap, 1981.

13. Philip Ashton. “Ashton’s Memorial: An History of the Strange Adventures, and Signal Deliverances of Mr. Philip Ashton, Jun. Of Marblehead.” George Francis Dow and John Henry Edmonds. The Pirates of the New England Coast 1630-1730. 1923. Dover, 1996.

14. Johnathan Edwards. “Personal Narrative.” c.1740.

(The New York Public Library Digital Collection, EM2578)

15. -------. “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God.” 1741.

(Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1920; Brigham Young University)


16. Benjamin Franklin. “The Speech of Miss Polly Baker.” 1747.
(1/2¢ postage stamp, 1955)

17. -------. The Way to Wealth. 1757. (C. Sutton, Bridlesmith-Gate, ca.1800)

18. -------. The Autobiography. 1771-90. (Norton, 2012)

19. John Adams. “A Dissertation on the Canon and the Federal Law.” 1765. The American Intellectual Tradition. Vol.1. Ed. David A. Hollinger and Charles Capper. Oxford UP, 1997.

(Oxford UP, 2001)

20. Phillis Wheatley. “To the University of Cambridge, in New England.” 1767.
 (Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral Bell, 1773; Driscall Babcock, Group Exhibition, "African Americans Seeing and Seen, 1799-1916," January 13-February 13, 2010)

21. -------. “On the Death of the Rev. George Whitfield, 1770.” 1770.

(Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral Bell, 1773; Driscall Babcock, Group Exhibition, "African Americans Seeing and Seen, 1799-1916," January 13-February 13, 2010)

22. -------. “Thoughts on the Work of Providence.” 1773.

(Poems of Phillis Wheatley Applewood, 1995)

23. J. Hector St. John de Crevecoeur. Letters from an American Farmer, Letter III. c.1769-80. (Oxford UP, 2009)

24. Thomas Paine. Common Sense. 1776.

25. Thomas Jefferson. “The Declaration of Independence.” 1776.
(The White House)

26. William Hill Brown. The Power of Sympathy. 1789. New Frontiers Press,1961.

(Ohio State UP, 1969)

27. Olaudah Equiano. The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavas Vassa, the African, Written by Himself. 1789. (Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006)

28. Susanna Rawson. Charlotte Temple. 1794. Ed. & Introd. Cathy Davidson. Oxford UP, 1987.

29. -------. Lucy Temple. 1794. Charlotte Temple and Lucy Temple. Ed. & Introd. Ann Douglas. Penguin, 1991.

30. Royall Tyler. “The Contrast.” 1787. Early American Drama. Ed. Jeffery Richards. Penguin, 1997.

31. -------. The Algerine Captive. 1797. Ed. Don Cook. College & University Press, 1970.  (Modern Library, 2002)

32. Hugh Henry Brackenridge. Modern Chivalry. 1792-1815. New College and University Press, 1965. (Hackett, 2009)

33. Hannah W. Foster. The Coquette. 1797. Penguin, 1996. (Oxford, UP, 1987)

34. Tabitha Gilman Tenney. Female Quixotism. 1801. Foreword by Cathy Davidson. Ed. Jean Nienkamp et al. Oxford UP, 1992.

35. Nathaniel Coverly, Jr. The Female Marine and Related Works: Narratives of Cross-Dressing and Urban Vice in America’s Early Republic. 1815-18. Ed. Daniel Cohen. U of Massachusetts P, 1997.


36. Washington Irving. “Rip Van Winkle.” 1819.

(Oil painting by J. W. Jarvis, 1809; Historic Hudson Valley Collection)

37. -------. Tales of The Alhambra. 1832. Washington Irving: Bracebridge Hall, Tales of a Traveller, the Alhambra. Ed. Andrew Myers. Library of America, 1991.

38. Catherine Maria Sedgwick. A New England Tale: Or, Sketches of New England Character and Manners. 1822. Oxford UP, 1995.

39. ------. Hope Leslie: Or, Early Times in the Massachusetts. 1827. Ed. Carolyn Karcher. Penguin, 1998.

40. Lydia Maria Child. Hobomok: A Tale of Early Times.1824. Hobomok and Other Writings on Indians. Ed. Carolyn L. Karcher. Rutgers UP, 1986.

41. Ralph Waldo Emerson, Nature. 1836.

(Penguin, 2009)

42. -------. “The American Scholar.” 1837.
 (Laurentian Press, 1901; Boston Public Library)

43. -------. “Self-Reliance.” 1841.

(Wood engraving by Winslow Homer, 1853; The Cleveland Museum of Art)

44. -------. “The Young American.” 1844.

(ca.1860; "Abbott Handerson Thayer and Thayer Family Papers" B.5-F.11, Smithonian Online Virtual Archives)

45. -------. Representative Men. 1850. Emerson: Essays and Lectures. Ed. Joel Porte. The Library of America, 1983.

46. Margaret Fuller, The Great Lawsuit: Man versus Men. Woman versus Women. 1843.
 (Library of Congress, cph 3a47196)

47. -------. Summer on the Lakes. 1843. Introd. Susan Belasco Smith. U of Illinois P, 1991.

48. Henry David Thoreau. “Resistance to Civil Government.” 1849.

(Portrait by Samuel Worcester Rowse, 1854; Concord Free Public Library)
49. -------. Walden. 1854.

(Norton, 2008)

50. -------. Cape Cod. 1865. Henry David Thoreau: A Week, Walden, the Main Woods, Cape Cod. Ed. Robert F. Sayre. Library of America, 1989.

51. Edgar Allan Poe. “The Fall of the House of Usher.” 1839.
(Moldavia; The Poe Museum)

52. -------. “The Purloined Letter.” 1844.

(Etching by Edouard Manet, 1860; The Cleveland Museum of Art)

53. -------. “The Raven.” 1845.

(ATOZ Classics, 2018)

54. -------. “The Philosophy of Composition.” 1846.

(The Poe Museum)

55. -------. “Annabel Lee.” 1849.

(Sheet music, Rosenberg, A. A., 1870; William H. Koester Collection of Edgar Allan Poe-Related Sheet Music/Edgar Allan Poe Collection, Harry Ransom Center, U of Texas)

56. George Lippard. The Quaker City: Or, The Monks of Monk Hall. 1844-45. Ed. David Reynolds. U of Massachusetts P, 1995.

57. Nathaniel Hawthorne. “My Kinsman, Major Molineux.” 1832.
(Portrait by Charles Osgood, 1840; Peabody Essex Museum)

58. -------. “Young Goodman Brown.” 1835.

(Vintage Classics, 2011)

59. -------. “The May-Pole of Merry Mount.” 1835.

(Library of America, 1982)

60. -------. The Scarlet Letter. 1850.
 (Norton, 2017)

61. -------. The House of the Seven Gables. 1851.

(Norton, 2005)

62. Herman Melville. Moby-Dick. 1851. Ed. Harshel Parker. Norton, 2002.

63. -------. Pierre. 1852. Ed. Robert Levine and Cindy Weinstein. Norton, 2017.

64. ------. “Bartleby the Scrivener.” 1853.
(Etching after a portrait by Joseph O. Eaton; Library of Congress, cph 3c35949)

65. ------. “Benito Cereno.” 1855.

(Bedford/St. Martin's, 2006)

66. ------. Billy Budd. 1924. Ed. Peter Coviello. Penguin, 2016.

67. Walt Whitman. Leaves of Grass. 1855.

(Norton, 2002)

68. ------. “Crossing Brooklyn Ferry.” 1856.
 (Library of America, 1996)

69. ------. “When Lilacs Las in the Dooryard Bloom’d.” 1865-66.

(ca.1870; Feinberg-Whitman Collection/Library of Congress, LC-USZ62-82781)

70. Emily Dickinson. “260: I’m Nobody! Who are you?” 1861.
(ca.1847, daguerreotype; Amherst College Archives)

71. ------. “269: Wild nights – Wild nights.”

(Childhood portrait of Emily Dickinson (L) and her siblings, Austin and Lavinia (R); Lebrecht Music and Arts Photo Library/Alamy)

72. ------. “479: Because I could not stop for Death –.” 1862.

(Little Brown, 1976)

73. ------. “591: I heard a Fly buzz – when I died –.” 1863.
(Artwork by jway, 2007; DeviantArt.com)

74. ------. “764: My Life had stood – a Loaded Gun –.” 1863.
(Book cover by Oliver Lovette, Beech Tree Press; Behance.net)

75. Frederick Douglass. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave, Written by Himself. 1845.

(Norton, 1997)

76. Harriet Beecher Stowe. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. 1852.

(Oxford UP, 2008)

77. Harriet Ann Jacobs. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. 1861.

(Norton, 2002)

78. Rebecca Harding David. Life in the Iron-Mills. 1861.

(CreateSpace, 2017)

79. Abraham Lincoln. “Address Delivered at the Dedication of the Cemetery at Gettysburg, November 19, 1863.” 1863.
(The White House)

80. Louisa May Alcott. A Long Fatal Love Chase. 1866. Dell, 1997.

Secondary Sources

1. Paul Baepler, editor. White Slaves, African Masters: An Anthology of American Barbary Captivity Narratives. U of Chicago P, 1999.

2. Christopher E.G. Benfey, Polly Longsworth and Barton Levi. St. Armand. The Dickinsons of Amherst. UP of New England, 2001.

3. Mitchell Robert Breitwieser. American Puritan and the Defense of Mourning: Religion, Grief, and Ethnology in Mary White Rowlandson’s Captivity Narrative. U of Wisconsin P, 1990.

4. Richard Brodhead. Cultures of Letters: Scenes of Reading and Writing in Nineteenth Century America. U of Chicago P, 1993.

5. Lawrence Buell. Literary Transcendentalism: Style and Vision in the American Renaissance. Cornell UP, 1975.

6. Richard Chase. The American Novel and Its Tradition. 1958. Johns Hopkins UP, 1980.

7. Michael Colacurcio. The Province of Piety: Moral History in Hawthorne’s Early Tales. 1984. Duke UP, 1995.

8. Frances Smith Foster. Witnessing Slavery: The Development of Ante-Bellum Slave Narratives. Greenwood, 1979.

9. Gerald Kennedy and Liliane Weissberg, editors. Romancing the Shadow: Poe and the Race. Oxford UP, 2001.

10. Leo Marx. The Machine in the Garden: Technology and the Pastoral Ideal in America. Oxford UP, 1964.

11. Christopher Newfield. The Emerson Effect: Individualism and Submission in America. U of Chicago P, 1996.

12. Samuel Otter. Melville’s Anatomies. U of California P, 1999.

13. Nathaniel Philbrick. In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex. Penguin, 2000.

14. David Reynolds. Walt Whitman’s America: A Cultural Biography. Oxford UP, 2005.

15. Robert Richardson. Myth and Literature in the American Renaissance. Indiana UP, 1978.

16. Bernard Rosenthal. Salem Story: Reading the Witch Trials of 1692. Cambridge UP, 1993.

17. Scott Slovic. Seeking Awareness in American Nature Writing: Henry Thoreau, Annie Dillard, Edward Abbey, Wendell Berry, Barry Lopez. U of Utah P, 1992.

18. William Spengemann. The Forms of Autobiography: Episodes in the History of a Literary Genre. Yale UP, 1980.

19. Julia Stern. The Plight of Feeling: Sympathy and Dissent in the Early American Novel. U of Chicago P, 1997.

20. Max Weber. The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism. Trans. Talcott Parsons. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1958.

(Norton, 2009)