100 Must Read Books for Critical Theorists
An A to Z Book Guide 2020
2020年度版 文芸批評史必読書リスト100
「文芸批評史」は本塾英米文学専攻のみならず広く文学専攻全体に開かれた講義科目として、 1980年代までは由良君美先生が担当しておられた。ギリシャ・ローマから説き起こし現代にまで広くカバーする該博な語り口は、ノートを取ればそのまま出版できるのではないかと思われるほどにあらかじめよく整理整頓され、時に絶妙なジョークを交えたものであったのを思い出す。だが、当時より私が頭を悩ませてきたのは、欧米で言う文学批評と日本における文芸評論とが袖触れ合うようで擦れ違うことだ。授業のタイトル「文芸批評史」をどなたが考えたのかーー由良先生ご自身なのかどうかーーは不明だが、ひょっとしたらこれは一種の折衷案として構想されたのかもしれない。
1990年代に本科目を引き継いだ時、すでに時代は脱構築批評から新歴史主義批評へ移り、ポストコロニアリズムやカルチュラル・スタディーズが全盛期を迎えていた。理論は日進月歩である。新批評以来培われた蓄積はたちまち批判的対象となり、実際新たな理論によって新たな文学的発見と学術的貢献がなされていく。だが、かと言って過去の理論がお役御免になったわけではない。理論自体も一種の文学テクストと化し不断の読み替え作業が行われる。 その結果、21世紀現在まで生き延びたものもあれば、とうに忘れ去られたものも、忘れた頃に何度となく息を吹き返すものもある。
以下に選出したのは、ほぼ 30年近くに及ぶ「文芸批評史」講義の中で何らかの形で触れてきた批評理論テクストから厳選した 100点だ。最初の十年間に関してはそれまでの講義ノートをまとめた拙著『メタファーはなぜ殺されるーー現在批評講義』(松柏社、 2000年)に反映しているが、その時点から数えても 20年が経過した現在では、惑星思考や半球思考、環大陸思考の勃興に伴うトランスナショナリズムが文学理論にも文化理論にも大きな影響を与えている。必読文献がますます増大するとともに、過去の理論的正典の読み直しも盛んだ。
1. Abrams, M.H. Natural Supernaturalism: Tradition and Revolution in Romantic Literature. 1971. Norton, 1973.
2. Ames, Christopher. The Life of the Party: Festive Vision in Modern Fiction. U of Georgia P,1991.
3. Arendt, Hannah. The Origins of Totalitarianism. 1951. Harcourt, 1985.
4. ---. Eichmann in Jerusalem. 1963. Penguin, 1994.
5. Auerbach, Erich. Scenes from the Drama of European Literature: Six Essays. Meridian Books, 1959.
(U of Minnesota P, 1984)
7. Barr, Marleen S. Feminist Fabulation: Space/Postmodern Fiction. U of Iowa P,1992.
8. Bercovitch, Sacvan. The American Jeremiad. U of Wisconsin P, 1978. (2012)
9. ---, editor. Typology and Early American Literature. U of Massachusetts P, 1972.
10. Berryman, Charles. From Wilderness to Wasteland: The Trial of the Puritan God in the American Imagination. Kennikat, 1979.
11. Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994.
12. Bloom, Harold. A Map of Misreading. Oxford UP, 1975.
13. Booth, Wayne. The Rhetoric of Fiction. 1961. 2nd ed, U of Chicago P, 1983.
14. Bowlby, Rachel. Just Looking: Consumer Culture in Dreiser, Gissing and Zola. Methuen, 1985.
15. Brooks, Cleanth. The Well-Wrought Urn: Studies in the Structure of Poetry. 1947. Mariner Books, 1956.
(Harcourt, Brace, & World, 1966)
16. Brooks, Peter. The Melodramatic Imagination: Balzac, Henry James, Melodrama and the Mode of Excess. Yale UP, 1976. (1995)
17. Burke, Kenneth. A Rhetoric of Motives. U of California P, 1950. (1969)
18. Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. 1990. 2nd ed, Routledge, 2006.
19. Carrier, James, editor. Occidentalism: Images of the West. Oxford UP, 1995.
20. Chase, Cynthia. Decomposing Figures: Rhetorical Readings in the Romantic Tradition. Johns Hopkins UP, 1986.
21. Cheyfitz, Eric. The Poetics of Imperialism: Translation and Colonization from The Tempest to Tarzan. 1991. Expanded ed, U of Pennsylvania P, 1997.
22. Clifford, James. Routes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century. Harvard UP, 1997.
23. Cowley, Malcolm. Exile’s Return: A Literary Odyssey of the 1920s. 1951. Penguin, 1994.
24. Culler, Jonathan, Framing the Sign: Criticism and Its Institutions. Basil Blackwell, 1988.
25. --- and Kevin Lamb, editors. Just Being Difficult?: Academic Writing in the Public Arena. Stanford UP, 2003.
26. Currie, Mark, editor. Metafiction. Routledge, 1995.
27. Czetkovich, Ann. Mixed Feelings: Feminism, Mass Culture, and Victorian Sensationalism. Rutgers UP, 1992.
28. Davis, Natalie Zemon. The Return of Martin Guerre. Harvard UP, 1983.
29. de Man, Paul. Blindness and Insight: Essays in the Rhetoric of Contemporary Criticism. 1971. 2nd ed, edited by Wlad Godzich. U of Minnesota P, 1983.
30. ---. The Resistance to Theory. Foreword by Wlad Godzich, U of Minnesota P, 1986
31. Derrida, Jacques, Of Grammatology. 1967. Translated by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. Johns Hopkins UP, 1974.
32. ---. Margins of Philosophy. 1972. Translated by Alan Bass, U of Chicago P, 1984.
33. Dimock, Wai Chee and Lawrence Buell. Shades of the Planet: American Literature as World Literature. Princeton UP, 2007.
34. Dufresne, Todd. The Late Sigmund Freud: Or the Last Word on Psychoanalysis, Society, & All the Riddles of Life. Cambridge UP, 2017.
35. Easthope, Anthony. Literary into Cultural Studies. Routledge, 1989. (1991)
36. Eco, Umberto. Foucault’s Pendulum. 1988. Translated by William Weaver. Ballantine, 1989.
(HMH Books, 2007)
37. Empson, William. Seven Types of Ambiguity: A Study of Its Effects on English Verse. 1930. Random House, 1992. (New Directions, 1966)
38. Erickson, Steve. The American Nomad. Henry Holt, 1997.
39. Federman, Raymond, editor. Surfiction: Fiction Now and Tomorrow. Swallow,1975.
40. Felman, Shoshana. The Scandal of the Speaking Body: Don Juan with J.L. Austin, or Seduction in Two Languages. 1983. Translated by Catherine Porter, foreword by Stanley Cavel, and afterword by Judith Butler. Stanford UP, 2002.
41. --- and Dori Laub, M.D. Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. Routledge, 1991.
42. Fenollosa, Ernest, and Ezra Pound. The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry. 1918, 1936. Edited by Haun Saussy, Jonathan Stalling, and Lucas Klein. Fordham UP, 2008.
43. Fetterley, Judith. The Resisting Reader: A Feminist Approach to American Fiction. Indiana UP, 1978.
44. Fiedler, Leslie. The Return of the Vanishing American. Stein and Day, 1968.
45. Foucault, Michel. The Order of Things: An Archeology of the Human Sciences. 1966. Pantheon, 1970. (Vintage, 1994)
46. Fowler, Karen Joy. The Jane Austen Book Club. G.K. Putnam, 2004.
(Penguin, 2005)
47. Freud, Sigmund. Moses and Monotheism. 1939. Translated by Katherine Jones. Pantheon, 1967.
48. Frye, Northrop. Anatomy of Criticism. Princeton UP, 1957. (2000)
49. ---. The Secular Scripture: A Study of the Structure of Romance. Harvard UP, 1976.
50. Gamson, Joshua. Claims to Fame: Celebrity in Contemporary America.U of California P, 1994.
51. Garber, Marjorie. Quotation Marks. Routledge, 2002.
52. Gilfoyle, Timothy. City of Eros: New York City, Prostitution, and the Commercialization of Sex,1790-1920. Norton,1992.
(Norton, 1994)
53. Ginzburg, Carlo. The Cheese and the Worms: The Cosmos of a Sixteenth-Century Miller. 1976. Preface and translated by John Tedeschi and Anne Tedeschi. 1976. Johns Hopkins UP, 2013.
54. Greenblatt, Stephen. Marvelous Possessions: The Wonder of the New World. U of Chicago P, 1992.
55. Griffin, Robert J., editor. The Faces of Anonymity: Anonymous and Pseudonymous Publication from the Sixteenth to the Twentieth Century. Palgrave Macmillan, 2003.
56. Haraway, Donna. Simians, Cyborgs, Women: The Reinvention of Nature. Routledge, 1991. (2015)
57. Hartman, Geoffrey. Criticism in the Wilderness: The Study of Literature Today. 1980. 2nd ed, foreword by Hayden White. Yale UP, 2007.
58. Hawkins, Harriet. Classics and Trash: Traditions and Taboos in High Literature and Popular Modern Genres. U of Toronto P, 1990.
59. Hirata, Hosea. The Poetry and Poetics of Nishiwaki Junzaburô: Modernism in Translation. Princeton UP, 1993.
60. Hutcheon, Linda. Narcissistic Narrative: The Metafictional Paradox. Wilfrid Laurier UP,1980.
61. Iser, Wolfgang. The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett. Johns Hopkins UP, 1974.
62. Ivy, Marilyn. Discourses of the Vanishing: Modernity, Phantasm, Japan. U of Chicago P, 1995.
63. Jameson, Fredric. The Political Unconscious. Cornell UP, 1981.
64. ---. Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Duke UP, 1991.
65. Jay, Gregory. America the Scrivener: Deconstruction and the Subject of History. Cornell UP, 1990.
66. Johnson, Barbara. Persons and Things. Harvard UP, 2008.
67. Kenner, Hugh. The Mechanic Muse. Oxford UP, 1987.
68. Kermode, Frank. The Romantic Image. 1957. Routledge, 2001.
69. Kittler, Friedrich. Gramophone ,Film, Typewriter. 1986. Translated and Introduction by Geoffrey Winthrop-Young and Michael Wautz. Stanford UP, 1999.
70. Kojeve, Alexandre. Introduction to the Reading of Hegel. 1969. Edited by Allan Bloom, translated by James Nichols, Cornell UP, 1980.
71. Landow, George P. Hypertext: The Convergence of Contemporary Critical Theory and Technology. Johns Hopkins UP,1992.
72. Ling, Amy editor. Yellow Light: The Flowering of Asian American Arts (Asian American History and Culture). Temple UP, 2000.
73. Lye, Colleen. America’s Asia: Racial Form and American Literature, 1893-1945. Princeton UP, 2004.
74. McCarthy, Mary. The Groves of Academe. 1952. Harcourt, 1980.
75. Michaels, Walter Benn. The Shape of the Signifier: 1967 to the End of History. Princeton UP, 2004.
76. Miller, D. A. The Novel and the Police. U of California P, 1988.
77. Mitchell, W.J.T. The Last Dinosaur Book: The Life and Times of a Cultural Icon. U of Chicago P, 1998.
78. Muller, John, and William J. Richardson, editors. The Purloined Poe: Lacan, Derrida and Psychoanalytic Reading. Johns Hopkins UP, 1988.
79. Murphy, Gretchen. Shadowing the White Man’s Burden: U.S. Imperialism and the Problem of the Color Line. New York UP, 2010.
80. Nafisi, Azar. Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books. Random House, 2003.
81. North, Michael. Reading 1922: A Return to the Scene of the Modern. Oxford UP, 1999.
82. Pearl, Mathew. The Dante Club. Random House, 2003.
83. Porush, David. The Soft Machine: Cybernetic Fiction. Methuen, 1985. (Routledge, 2020)
84. Praz, Mario. Romantic Agony. 1930. Translated by Angus Davidson. Oxford UP, 1933.
85. Said, Edward. Orientalism. Pantheon, 1978.
(Penguin Modern Classics, 2003)
86. ---. On Late Style: Music and Literature against the Grain. Bloomsbury, 2006.
87. Seltzer, Mark. Bodies and Machines. Routledge,1992.
(Routledge Revivals, 2016)
88. Sewell, Elizabeth. The Field of Nonsense. 1952. Dalkey Archive Press, 2015.
89. Steiner, George. On Difficulty and Other Essays. 1978. Oxford UP,1980.
90. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics. Methuen, 1987.
91. Suskind, Patrick. Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. 1985. Translated by John E. Woods. Knopf, 1986.
(Pocket, 1987)
92. Suvin, Darko. Metamorphoses of Science Fiction: On the Poetics and History of a Literary Genre. Yale UP, 1979.
93. Tompkins, Jane, editor. Reader-Response Criticism: From Formalism to Post-Structuralism. Johns Hopkins UP, 1980.
94. Ulmer, Gregory L. Applied Grammatology: Post(e)-Pedagogy from Jacques Derrida to Joseph Beuys. Johns Hopkins UP, 1985.
95. Veeser, Harold Aram, editor. The New Historicism. Routledge, 1989.
96. Vickery, John B. The Literary Impact of "The Golden Bough." Princeton UP, 1973.
(Princeton Legacy Library, 2015)
97. White, Hayden. Figural Realism: Studies in the Mimesis Effect. Johns Hopkins UP, 1999.
98. Williams, Raymond. The Country and the City. Chatto and Windus, 1973.
(Oxford UP, 1975)
99. Wilson, Edmund. The Wound and the Bow: Seven Studies in Literature. Methuen, 1941.
(Churchill & Dunn, 2018)
100. Young, Robert J.C. White Mythologies: Writing History and the West. 2nd ed, Routledge, 2004.