エドガー・アラン・ポーの作品と生涯における「場所」の意味を問う論集Poe and Placeが絶賛刊行中です。
Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studiesシリーズ最新作で、元・米国ポー学会会長Philip Edward Phillips先生(Middle Tennessee State University)が編者を務められました。ポーの生きた実際の場所から観念上の場所まで、ボストンやフィラデルフィアからニューヨークまで、ヨーロッパからアルゼンチンまで、地理空間的にポーとその作品を考察する論考15点が収められています。日本からは巽先生が推薦文を寄稿されています。
題:Poe and Place“Although born in Boston, Poe has long been considered a genteel Southern writer whose works display a fascination with foreign countries and fantastical places. However, he spent the majority of his literary career working in the northeastern publishing centers of Baltimore, Philadelphia, and New York City. Is Poe a literary ‘nowhere man,’ an all-American writer, or a prophet of world literature? This collection of insightful essays is a critical mystery tour to the center of Poe’s wonderful planet.” (Takayuki Tatsumi, Professor of English, Keio University, Japan, and author of Young Americans in Literature: The Post-Romantic Turn in the Age of Poe, Hawthorne and Melville (2018) and Full Metal Apache: Transactions between Cyberpunk Japan and Avant-Pop America (2006)) ※Palgrave Macmillan本書サイトより転載
編:Philip Edward Phillips
サイズ:15.9×3.2×21.6 cm
出版:Palgrave Macmillan
価格:ebook=11231円(本体)/ ハードカバー=14039円(本体)
※Palgrave Macmillanによる本書詳細
"No Direction Home": The Itinerant Life of Edgar Poe/Scott Peeple
Poe and Boston/Katherine J. Kim
Poe's Richmond and Richmond's Poe/Christopher P. Semtner
The Realm of Dream and Memory: Poe's England/J. Gerald Kennedy
Poe and Baltimore: Crossroads and Redemption/Jeffrey A. Savoye
Poe in Philadelphia/Amy Branam Armiento
Outside Looking In: Edgar Allan Poe and New York City/John Gruesser
Fantastic Places, Angelic Spaces/William E. Engel
Re-ordering Place in Poe's Arthur Gordon Pym/Richard Kopley
Poe's German Soulscape: Influenced by Angst or Anxiety of Influence?/Sonya Isaak
"Demon of Space": Poe in St. Petersburg/Alexandra Urakova
Poe, Egypt, and "Egyptomania"/Emily James Hansen
Poe, Paris, and "The Murder in the Rue Morgue”/Philip Edward Phillips
"Un muerto vivo": Poe and Argentina/Emron Esplin
"Finding His Way Home": Tracing Poe's Solutions in Eureka/Harry Lee Poe
"No Direction Home": The Itinerant Life of Edgar Poe/Scott Peeple
Poe and Boston/Katherine J. Kim
Poe's Richmond and Richmond's Poe/Christopher P. Semtner
The Realm of Dream and Memory: Poe's England/J. Gerald Kennedy
Poe and Baltimore: Crossroads and Redemption/Jeffrey A. Savoye
Poe in Philadelphia/Amy Branam Armiento
Outside Looking In: Edgar Allan Poe and New York City/John Gruesser
Fantastic Places, Angelic Spaces/William E. Engel
Re-ordering Place in Poe's Arthur Gordon Pym/Richard Kopley
Poe's German Soulscape: Influenced by Angst or Anxiety of Influence?/Sonya Isaak
"Demon of Space": Poe in St. Petersburg/Alexandra Urakova
Poe, Egypt, and "Egyptomania"/Emily James Hansen
Poe, Paris, and "The Murder in the Rue Morgue”/Philip Edward Phillips
"Un muerto vivo": Poe and Argentina/Emron Esplin
"Finding His Way Home": Tracing Poe's Solutions in Eureka/Harry Lee Poe
- Geocriticism and Spatial Literary Studies
- Poe Studies Association
- 【写真更新】06/21-24: 国際ポー&ホーソーン会議@京都ガーデンパレス(CPA: 2018/06/29)
- 06/21-24: 国際ポー&ホーソーン会議の特別HPが開設&プログラムが開設されています!(CPA: 2018/06/05)
- 国際ポー&ホーソーン会議(2018/06/21-24)のCFPが告知されています!(CPA: 2017/02/28)