
06/08: シンポジウム “Adaptation, or How Media Relate in Japan” 英国開催!二日目のパネルにて、小谷真理先生が「魔法使いは誰だ?——『ハウルの動く城』を読む」をご報告されます!@セインズベリー日本藝術研究所

6月 7日〜8日にわたり、セインズベリー日本藝術研究所(The Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures)にて、シンポジウム “Adaptation, or How Media Relate in Japan” が下記のとおり開催されます!二日目のパネルにて、小谷真理先生が「魔法使いは誰だ?——『ハウルの動く城』を読む」をご報告されます。お近くにお住まいの方は、ぜひご来聴ください!

Adaptation, or How Media Relate in Japan
Date: June 7th-8th, 2018
Location: セインズベリー日本藝術研究所
(64 The Close, Norwich, NR1 4DH, England *access

※どなたでもご参加頂けますが、sisjac●sainsbury-institute.org に事前にお名前とご所属をご登録ください(●→@)。

Thursday, June 7th, 2018

Registration and tea: 2:30pm
Panel I: 3:00pm
  • Alice and Adaptation in the Contemporary Japanese Media Environment,” Amanda Kennell, Sainsbury Institute for the Study of Japanese Arts and Cultures
  • “Rules of the Game: Transmedial Adaptation as Social Technology,” Thomas Lamarre, McGill University
  • Discussant: Griseldis Kirsch, SOAS

Break: 5:00pm
Dinner: 5:30pm  

Friday, June 8th, 2018
Tea: 9:30am      
Panel II: 10:00am
  • “Delivering Media: The convenience store as media mix hub,” Marc Steinberg, Concordia University
  • “Narita Minako’s Alien Street: Performance in two-dimensional manga space,” Nobuko Anan, Kansai University
  • 「魔法使いは誰だ?——『ハウルの動く城』を読む」小谷真理(作家・評論家) (Who is the Magician? Reading Howl’s Moving Castle), Mari Kotani, Author and Critic

Lunch: 12:00pm  
Panel III: 1:15pm
  • 「日本の少女マンガにおける『とりかへばや物語』のバリエーションートランスジェンダーの描き方」押山美知子(専修大学)(Drawing Transgender: Shojo manga variations on The Changelings, Michiko Oshiyama, Senshu University)
  • “Remaking Usagi Drop: Repetitious Remaking Within Japanese Media Franchising,” Rayna Denison, University of East Anglia
  • “Artists on the Margins and Questions for Media Theory: Lee Chonghwa’s ‘Asia, Politics, Art’ project,” Brett de Bary, Cornell University

Tea break: 3:15pm
Panel IV: 3:30pm
  • “Memory and 3.11: Kōno Fumiyo’s Hi no tori manga series,” Linda Flores, Oxford University
  • “The Politics of Memory in Japan’s Media Environment: The case of the United Red Army,” Chris Perkins, University of Edinburgh
  • Discussant: Nicole Rousmaniere, British Museum

Break: 5:30pm
Dinner + wrap up: 6:30pm
