きたる 6月に、新刊
Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from Around the World (University of Illinois Press) が下記のとおり刊行!巽先生のご論文 “Sakyo Komatsu’s Planetary Imagination: Reading
VIRUS and / or
The Day of Resurrection (1964)” が寄稿されています。『復活の日』映画版と小説版を比較されながら、小松左京の惑星的想像力に迫ります。なにとぞお楽しみに!
Lingua Cosmica: Science Fiction from around the World
Edited by Dale Knickerbocker
Dimensions: 6 x 9 in.
Pages: 272 pages
Published by University of Illinois Press
Cloth - $99.00 / Paper - $29.95
Pub Date: June 2018