“From Mark Twain to Woody Allen?:
The Problem of Humor and Humorists in History”
(ケベック大学モントリオール校 歴史学部教授)
2017年 6月 15日(木)16:30-18:30@三田キャンパス 北館第二会議室
司会:巽孝之先生 |
講師:グレッグ・ロビンソン先生 |
上段左から、大串尚代先生(慶應義塾大学)、 下河辺美知子先生(成蹊大学)、 巽先生、ロビンソン先生 |
懇親会@Vivra Vivre |
- 06/15:グレッグ・ロビンソン先生による特別講演会 “From Mark Twain to Woody Allen?: The Problem of Humor and Humorists in History” 開催!(司会:巽先生)@三田キャンパス 北館第二会議室 16:30-18:30(CPA: 2017/05/28)
- 06/10:Greg Robinson氏 講演会 "Hisaye Yamamoto's 'Seventeen Syllables': An Introduction to Asian American Fiction" 開催!司会:巽孝之先生@三田キャンパス 第1校舎103教室 13:00-14:30(CPA: 2016/06/05)
- Greg Robinson先生による講演会開催!(巽先生司会)@三田キャンパス103教室(13:00-14:30):"Hisaye Yamamoto's 'Seventeen Syllables': A Landmark of Asian American Literature" (CPA: 2014/06/12)
Greg Robinson, After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics (U of California P, 2012)
Greg Robinson, A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America (Columbia UP, 2009)
Greg Robinson, By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans (Harvard UP, 2001)
Edited by Greg Robinson and Elena Tajima Creef, Mine Okubo: Following Her Own Road (U of Washington P, 2008)
Edited, an Introduction, and Notes by Greg Robinson, Pacific Citizens: Larry and Guyo Tajiri and Japanese American Journalism in the World War II Era (U of Illinois P, 2012)
Greg Robinson, By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans (Harvard UP, 2001)
Edited by Greg Robinson and Elena Tajima Creef, Mine Okubo: Following Her Own Road (U of Washington P, 2008)
Edited by Colin A. Palmer (editor in chief), Greg Robinson, et al., Encyclopedia of African American Culture and History, 5 vols. and its supplement (Gale/Macmilan, 1996-2000; 2nd ed., 2005)