巽先生による “Transnational Interactions: District 9, or Apaches in Johannesburg” では、ニール・ブロムカンプ監督映画『第9地区』(2009年)が取り上げられ、本作に通底する SFをめぐる国境横断的文化交渉の歴史が明らかにされます。塚本晋也監督映画『鉄男』シリーズや、開高健・小松左京らが紡いだ「日本アパッチ物語」、およびウィリアム・ギブスン作品がいかに『第 9地区』と交錯するのか?ご関心のある方は、ぜひご一読ください!
Science Fiction Double Feature: The Science Fiction Film As Cult Text
Series: Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies 52
Edited by J. P. Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay
Hardback / 239 x 163mm / 256 Pages
Liverpool University Press / July 27, 2015 / £75.00
*Liverpool UPによる本書紹介
I. Introduction: Science Fiction Double Feature (J.P. Telotte)
II. The Multiple Texts of the SF/Cult Film
- From “Multiverse” to “Abramsverse”: Blade Runner, Star Trek, Multiplicity, and the Authorizing of Cult/SF Worlds (Matt Hills)
- The Coy Cult Text: The Man Who Wasn’t There as Noir SF (Mark Bould)
- “It's Alive”: The Splattering of SF Films (Stacey Abbott)
- Sean Connery Reconfigured: From Bond to Cult Science Fiction Figure (Gerald Duchovnay)
- The Cult Film as Affective Technology: Anime and Oshii Mamoru’s Innocence (Sharalyn Orbaugh)
III. SF Media and the Audience
- Whedon, Browncoats, and the Big Damn Narrative: The Unified Meta-Myth of Firefly and Serenity (Rhonda Wilcox)
- Iron Sky’s War Bonds: Cult SF Cinema and Crowdsourcing (Chuck Tryon)
- Transnational Interactions: District 9, or Apaches in Johannesburg (Takayuki Tatsumi)
- A Donut For Tom Paris: Identity and Belonging at European SF/Fantasy Conventions (Nicolle Lamerichs)
IV. Occulting the Cult: The “Bad” SF Text
- Robot Monster and the “Watchable . . . Terrible” Cult/SF Film (J.P. Telotte)
- Science Fiction and the Cult of Ed Wood: Glen or Glenda?, Bride of the Monster, and Plan 9 from Outer Space (Rodney Hill)
- Visual Pleasure, the Cult, and Paracinema (Sherryl Vint)
- “Lack of Respect, Wrong Attitude, Failure to Obey Authority”: Dark Star and A Boy and His Dog as New Wave Cult SF (Rob Latham)
- Capitalism, Camp, and Cult SF: Space Truckers as Satire (M. Keith Booker)
- Bubba Ho-tep and the Seriously Silly Cult Film (Jeffrey Weinstock)
- Liverpool University Press
- The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film (Liverpool UP, 2014)が刊行!巽先生のご論文 "On the Monstrous Planet: or, How Godzilla Took a Roman Holiday" が寄稿されています!(CPA: 2014/07/26)
Ed. by J. P. Telotte and Gerald Duchovnay, Science Fiction Double Feature: The Science Fiction Film As Cult Text (Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies)
Ed. by Sonja Fritzsche, The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film (Liverpool Science Fiction Texts and Studies)