"Hisaye Yamamoto's 'Seventeen Syllables':
An Introduction to Asian American Fiction"
三田キャンパス 第1校舎103教室
講師:Greg Robinson (ケベック大学モントリオール校 歴史学部教授)
- 慶應義塾大学 G-SEC アメリカ研究プロジェクト
- Greg Robinson先生による講演会開催!(巽先生司会)@三田キャンパス103教室(13:00-14:30):"Hisaye Yamamoto's 'Seventeen Syllables': A Landmark of Asian American Literature" (CPA: 2014/06/12)
- 巽先生、怒濤のカリフォルニア・ツアー始まります!11/08: ASA2014年度年次大会(パネルにて巽先生ご報告、グレッグ・ロビンソン先生司会)(CPA: 2014/10/24)
- 巽先生が編集委員を務める、アメリカ研究ウェブ雑誌 The Journal of Transnational American Studies の最新号が刊行!(Forwardセクションをロビンソン先生が担当&Repriseセクションに先生の論文 "Whispers of the Unspeakable: New York and Montreal Newspaper Coverage of the Oscar Wilde Trials in 1895" が掲載)(CPA: 2015/03/16)
Hisaye Yamamoto, Seventeen Syllables and Other Stories (Rutgers UP, Revised Edition. 2001)
Greg Robinson, After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics (U of California P, 2012)
Greg Robinson, A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America (Columbia UP, 2009)
Greg Robinson, By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans (Harvard UP, 2001)
Greg Robinson, Mine Okubo: Following Her Own Road (U of Washington P, 2008)
Greg Robinson, After Camp: Portraits in Midcentury Japanese American Life and Politics (U of California P, 2012)
Greg Robinson, By Order of the President: FDR and the Internment of Japanese Americans (Harvard UP, 2001)
Greg Robinson, Mine Okubo: Following Her Own Road (U of Washington P, 2008)