Paradoxa no. 22 Three Asias―Japan, S. Korea, China
Karen Thornber Legitimacy and Community: Traveling Writers and Texts in Post-1945 East Asia
Takayuki Tatsumi Introduction to Three Asias―Japan
Mary A. Knighton The Melancholy Melodrama of "Honorary Whiteness": The Case of Yuasa Katsuei's Colonial Fiction
William O. Gardner From Parody to Simulacrum: Japanese SF, Regionalism and the Inauthentic in the Early Works of Komatsu Sakyo and Tsutsui Yasutaka
Gale K. Sato The Transpacific Gaze in Tropic of Orange
Rebecca Suter Japan/America, Man/Woman: Gender and Identity Politics in Adriane Tomine and Yoshihiro Tatsumi
Colleen Montgomery Review of Mechademia 4: War/Time
Colleen Montgomery Review of The Anime Machine: A Media Theory of Animation
Tadashi Nagasawa Review of Sublime Voices: The Fictional Science and Scientific Fiction of Abe Kobo
Ebihara Yutaka Review of Robot Ghosts and Wired Dreams
Deborah Shamoon Review of Ogawa Issui's The Lord of the Sands of Time
Jina Kim Introduction to Three Asias―S. Korea
Aryong Choi S. Korean Filmmaker Park Chan-wook: Interview and Reflections on Sympathy for Lady Vengeance
Yun Mi Hwang Review of The South Korean Film Renaissance: Local Hitmakers, Global Provocateurs
Jung-yup Lee Review of East Asian Pop Culture: Analysing the Korean Wave
Susan Napier Review of Yellow Future: Oriental Style in Hollywood Cinema
Zhang Zhen Introduction to Three Asias―China
Kwai-Cheung Lo Historical Tensions in East Asian Popular Culture and the Roles of the State
Laikwan Pang Hong Kong Cinema as Community: The Case of Eric Sang
Ruoyun Bai Disrobing CCTV: Scandals, E’gao, and Resistence in Chaina’s Cyberspace
Ying Xiao "Hip Hop is my Knife, Rap is my Sword"
Xiaoping Lin From Venice to Beijing: Art, Politics and Commerce
ナイトン氏は、湯浅克衛の植民地小説『カンナニ』(1934)を扱い、アジアの文脈における白人について考察する"The Melancholy Melodrama of "Honorary Whiteness": The Case of Yuasa Katsuei's Colonial Fiction"を、ガードナー氏は、ともに大阪生まれのSF作家である小松左京と筒井康隆の初期の作品を扱った"From Parody to Simulacrum: Japanese SF, Regionalism and the Inauthentic in the Early Works of Komatsu Sakyo and Tsutsui Yasutaka"を、ゲイル氏は、カレン・テイ・ヤマシタの小説Tropic of Orange(1997)を惑星思考の視点から読み解く"The Transpacific Gaze in Tropic of Orange"を、スーター氏は、日系アメリカ人Adrian Tomineや辰巳ヨシヒロといった漫画家の作品を取り上げ、合衆国に浸透する日本の漫画・アニメをテーマに論じる"Japan/America, Man/Woman: Gender and Identity Politics in Adriane Tomine and Yoshihiro Tatsumi"をそれぞれ寄稿しています。