
05/06: “Triculture” 講演シリーズ第七回 John Bryant先生による講演 “Melville and Mutiny: From the Pacific to Wall Street” のお知らせ@慶應義塾ニューヨーク学院

5月 6日(土)に、慶應義塾ニューヨーク学院にて、“Triculture” 講演シリーズの第七回が下記のとおり行われます。今回は、John Bryant先生による講演 “Melville and Mutiny: From the Pacific to Wall Street” です。日にちが迫っておりますが、お近くにお住まいの方は、ぜひご来聴ください!

An Omnibus “Tricultural” Lecture Series: 
Transpacific, Transcultural, Transdisciplinary
The Seventh Lecture
Melville and Mutiny: From the Pacific to Wall Street
Lecturer: Dr. John Bryant (Professor Emeritus of English, Hofstra University)
Moderator: Takayuki Tatsumi
Date: Saturday, May 6th
Time: 10:00 am
Place: Speaker’s Hall Auditorium (Campus Map)

【講演内容】 (※フライヤーより)
Melville’s transformations of himself and his characters in his involvement, in his life and his research, in mutinies, as they end up in his writing of “Bartleby” and “Billy Budd.”
